Two lovers of the Cosmere explore the universe created by Brandon Sanderson with biweekly episodes discussing the intricacies of this literary masterpiece. Epis...
Brooke and Tyler relive their time at Dragonsteel Nexus 2024. We chat about our top 3 favorite parts of the convention, get all kinds of emotional recapping the extravagant Worldhopper Ball, and tour through the different areas of the convention center where we spent an astonishing few days at Nexus. This is a no spoilers for Wind and Truth episode. #NoSpoilers
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Original music by David Gruwier ( "Radiant" ( by David Gruwier.
Episode 159: Wind and Truth Predictions
Brooke and Tyler channel their inner gambler and make bold (perhaps insane) predictions for what will occur in Wind and Truth. Every prediction comes with absolutely zero knowledge of any Wind and Truth preview chapters and is served with a side of silliness. Share your favorite prediction as well! #AllSpoilers
Find us at Dragonsteel Nexus 2024
Thursday, 12:30 AM for the Stormlight Recap Panel. Saturday, 10 AM for Cosmere 401: Advanced Cosmere Studies.
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Original music by David Gruwier ( "Radiant" ( by David Gruwier.
Episode 158: Other Characters, Chronologically
Brooke and Tyler call in the cool kids to finalize our journey through Rosharan timelines. Everyone gets their time in the spotlight as we recap the stories of Navanni, Venli, Lift, Szeth, and Adolin. #AllSpoilers
Cosmere Questions:
Does lifesense granted by Heightening allow someone to "hear" the tones of Roshar? (50mins)
What happens to the Stormfather if Dalinar breaks their bond? (1h30m)
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Original music by David Gruwier ( "Radiant" ( by David Gruwier.
Episode 157: Dalinar Kholin, Chronologically
Brooke and Tyler hide the Horneater White as we look back in time through the life of Dalinar Kholin. Psychopath, Hero, Tyrant, Murderer, Radiant. We explore one of Roshar's most complicated and controversial characters from his time as a teenager to the final day before the start of Wind and Truth. #AllSpoilers
Cosmere Questions:
1. What are the important secrets or meanings behind Dalinar’s meeting with Ahu (Jezrien)? (29m18s)
2. When would you agree to work with Dalinar throughout his entire life? During the conquest? After Gavilar’s murder? Never under any circumstance? (45m10s)
3. Does Odium know that Hoid is on Roshar and working so closely with the Coalition? (1h19m38s)
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Original music by David Gruwier ( "Radiant" ( by David Gruwier.
Episode 156: Shallan Davar, Chronologically
Brooke and Tyler split themselves among the many timelines of Shallan Davar to discover the mysteries hidden within. The tale is sometimes confusing and contradictory but within the depths of Shalln lies many secrets to understanding the Stormlight Archive. #AllSpoilers
Cosmere Questions:
1. Who is Shallan's mother and what impact will that revelation have on Stormlight Archive?
2. How do you think Shallan's story will conclude?
Support this podcast by becoming a Patron on Patreon (
Original music by David Gruwier ( "Radiant" ( by David Gruwier.
Two lovers of the Cosmere explore the universe created by Brandon Sanderson with biweekly episodes discussing the intricacies of this literary masterpiece. Episodes begin with background information on the Cosmere itself and develop to be more specific regarding each world/novel. We discuss the crossovers, magic systems, and characters in great detail. For fans of Sanderson, literature, epic stories, magic, and sexy podcast hosts. #AllSpoilers