Discovering Dyscalculia | The Podcast is a resource and support for those with a learning disability in math. Author, dyscalculia consultant, and parent Laura M...
Reading of Chapter One | Signs and Symptoms of Dyscalculia
In this episode I sit down with you to read aloud Chapter 1 of my book, Discovering Dyscalculia. I tell the story of first learning about my daughter's math learning disability, and give personal examples of the signs and symptoms of dyscalculia. Read the back cover reviews by Professor Brian Butterworth from the University College London, Cat Eadle at The Dyscalculia Network, and others on my website Dyscalculia was published in 2022 by GHF Press.
Author Reading of Introduction | "Discovering Dyscalculia"
Download the Introduction and First Chapter for free at:
What is Dyscalculia? | How do you say, "Dyscalculia?"
In this quick three-minute episode Laura M Jackson answers the questions, "What is dyscalculia?", "Is dyscalculia a type of math learning disability?", and "How do you say Dyscalculia?"Phonetic spelling: DIS - KAL - KYOO (or COO) - LEE - AHEmphasis on middle KYOO/COO (not CAL or AH)Dr. Brennan Whitley in her book suggests that it helps to know that the -CULIA part rhymes with JULIA.
The Dyscalculia Experience. What is it like?
Links mentioned in newsletter:October 2024 Newsletter ArchiveDyscalculia Zine Art by Teen - blog post with picturesSign up for the FREE monthly newsletter:
New App, Dyscalculia Impacts History Class, and Resources for Dyscalculic Adults
In this Audio Newsletter I write about: History Class + Dyscalculia, Favorite Resources for Dyscalculic Adults, and DysCalculator App, and Number-Sense Support.Links from the newsletter:The Dyscalculia Network adults with dyscalculia pageMath in Real Life video series for adultsDiscoveringDyscalculia YouTube ChannelFree Podcasts and WebinarsRecommended Reading ListDysCalculator Webinar and Web-App
Discovering Dyscalculia | The Podcast is a resource and support for those with a learning disability in math. Author, dyscalculia consultant, and parent Laura M. Jackson, shares engaging interviews, monthly newsletters, and her own personal journey of supporting a child with this little-known learning disability.
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