Become a champion for your family in the time it takes to enjoy a cup of coffee! Every episode of the Focus on the Family Christian podcast helps you confidentl...
Os Guinness shares with Jim how America's freedom is based on the Sinai Revolution of the Hebrews but is collapsing by way of the French Revolution. America is divided on race and other issues. Os describes cultural Marxism and the need for Lincoln-like leadership and a repentant church. Receive the book The Magna Carta of Humanity and the audio download of the broadcast "Rediscovering Faith in a Culture of Chaos" for your donation of any amount! Plus, receive member-exclusive benefits when you make a recurring gift today. Your monthly support helps families thrive. Get More Episode Resources If you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback.
Cherishing Your Spouse Every Day
Do you ‘love’ your spouse, almost as an obligation, or do you truly cherish them? Gary Thomas encourages couples to make a daily effort to go beyond the ‘duty’ of love, and combat the natural inclination to drift apart by choosing to see the best in their spouse. Receive the book Cherish plus a free audio download of "Cherishing Your Spouse Every Day" for your donation of any amount! Plus, receive member-exclusive benefits when you make a recurring gift today. Your monthly support helps families thrive. Get More Episode Resources If you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback.
Training Kids to Listen to the Right Voices
Rich Griffith shares practical advice from his experience as a single Dad of three boys to encourage Christian parents to teach their children to use discernment to navigate the positive and negative influences in their lives. Receive the book Voices and the audio download of the broadcast "Training Kids to Listen to the Right Voices" for your donation of any amount! Plus, receive member-exclusive benefits when you make a recurring gift today. Your monthly support helps families thrive. Get More Episode Resources If you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback.
What Does the Bible Say About the Supernatural? (Part 2 of 2)
Based on his newest book Seeing the Supernatural, Lee Strobel explores the Scriptures to see what the Bible has to say about supernatural phenomena, showing that God works in the nonphysical realm. Receive the book Seeing the Supernatural and the audio download of the broadcast "What Does the Bible Say About the Supernatural?" for your donation of any amount! Plus, receive member-exclusive benefits when you make a recurring gift today. Your monthly support helps families thrive. Get More Episode Resources If you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback.
What Does the Bible Say About the Supernatural? (Part 1 of 2)
Based on his newest book Seeing the Supernatural, Lee Strobel explores the Scriptures to see what the Bible has to say about supernatural phenomena, showing that God works in the nonphysical realm. Receive the book Seeing the Supernatural and the audio download of the broadcast "What Does the Bible Say About the Supernatural?" for your donation of any amount! Plus, receive member-exclusive benefits when you make a recurring gift today. Your monthly support helps families thrive. Get More Episode Resources If you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback.
Become a champion for your family in the time it takes to enjoy a cup of coffee! Every episode of the Focus on the Family Christian podcast helps you confidently guide your loved ones through the unique challenges faced by today’s Christian families. With over 40 years of trusted, compassionate stories of redemption, hosts Jim Daly and John Fuller connect you to biblically sound marriage and parenting help that is relatable, practical, and interesting. Listen/Learn/Apply/ThriveInChrist!
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