"Haiku Theory" is a thought-provoking podcast delving deep into the theory of haiku, the centuries-old form of Japanese poetry renowned for its profundity.
Meaning and Experience The interplay of meaning and experience in haiku both captivates and frustrates readers and writers alike. In this episode, we delve into Richard Gilbert’s concept of Collocation and Roland Barthes’ Narrative Codes, examining how these theories illuminate the structures of language—and what they reveal about the life and death of haiku. Click Here for a link to an incredible discussion and analysis of Peter Newton’s ‘beam by beam’ haiku. Click Here for a brief description of Roland Barthe’s five language codes. To contact the podcast Email Us Here. The audio of this episode was recorded by Graham at a publicly performed Christmas pageant.
Episode 18: Jacques Lacan and Haiku
Within haiku is a tension between silence and expression that mirrors the complex relationship between desire and its unattainable fulfillment. In this episode, we delve into Ian Marshall’s essay, Jouissance among the Kire: A Lacanian Approach to Haiku, to explore Jacques Lacan’s concept of Jouissance and its connection to haiku’s emphasis on the ineffable, the unsaid, and the fragmented. Marshall’s essay, Jouissance among the Kire: A Lacanian Approach to Haiku, can be read in its entirety by Clicking Here. To contact the podcast, email us by Clicking Here. This episode’s soundscape was recorded by Graham, and features the sounds of an backstreet in Rome, Italy at 6:58pm on June 28, 2024.
Episode 17: Disjunction
Dwelling beneath the formal aspect of Juxtaposition is the force of Disjunction, a force that disrupts perception and challenges the very notion of what a haiku is. In today’s episode, we explore Richard Gilbert’s essay The Disjunctive Dragonfly, which shifts the conversation about haiku from what haiku is, to how haiku work. Gilbert argues that the true power of haiku lies in the concept of "disjunction," a force that disrupts readers’ perceptions and challenges our understanding of how meaning arises within haiku. Gilbert’s essay, The Disjunctive Dragonfly, can be read in its entirety by Clicking Here. Gilbert’s introduction to Jim Kacian’s long after can be read by Clicking Here. William M. Ramsey’s essay How One Writes in the Haiku Moment: Mythos vs. Logos, can be read by Clicking Here. To contact the podcast email us by Clicking Here. This episode's soundscape was recorded by Graham, and features the sounds of a cafe in Varenna, Italy at 9am on June 19, 2024.
Episode 16: Copying Haiku Product, Problem, and Process
“Good artists copy, great artists steal.” This quote is attributed to Picasso, but what does it actually mean for Haiku? Come along as we dig into a theory of crafting original haiku by copying the works of others. In this episode we'll be investigating the theory of copying put forth by Michele Root-Bernstein in her essay 'Copying to Create: The Role of Imitation and Emulation in Developing Haiku Craft,' which can be read in its entirety by CLICKING HERE. To contact the podcast email us HERE This episode/s soundscape was recorded by Graham, and features cowbells heard outside of the mountain village of Kriens, Switzerland, on June 11, 2024 at 12:31pm
Episode 15: Impossibility of Realism in Haiku
Is Realism a false idol of haiku? Is the understanding of Haiku being "a nature poem" a false understanding? Come along as we explore how Realism interacts with haiku...or even if Realism interacts with haiku at all. In this episode we will be discussing Jim Kacian’s essay "Realism is Dead (and Always Was)." To read the essay in its entirety CLICK HERE To contact the podcast CLICK HERE This episode’s intro is yours-truly tinkling around on my piano, recorded on a child’s toy (which is why it sounds like it’s underwater LOL!)
"Haiku Theory" is a thought-provoking podcast delving deep into the theory of haiku, the centuries-old form of Japanese poetry renowned for its profundity.
Each episode investigates a specific aspect of haiku theory, summarizing key ideas found in the writings of the deepest thinkers on haiku throughout the centuries and across the globe.
Whether you're a seasoned haiku enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of haiku, "Haiku Theory" welcomes you to immerse yourself in the beauty and wisdom of this timeless art form.