A short, fun and occasionally not unintentionally educational podcast in which two fans of the New York Times crossword describe their puzzle-solving travails.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 - ALL RISE! because, um, ALL RISE is in the grid 🙄😉
This was an intriguing Tuesday crossword by Dan Margolis -- his 5th in the NYTimes. The theme was delicious (literally), and indeed the grid was rife with food for thought, including 3D, Cookie with its name on it, OREO; 52D, _______ ghanouj, BABA; and 58D, _______ slaw, COLE. Yum!Also, today being Tuesday, we have another Triplet Tuesday™ segment, and this time Mike's in the hotseat. To find out how he did, all you need to do is (gently) hit subscribe / download / play.Show note imagery: Chickens ... on a roost.We love feedback! Send us a text...Contact Info:We love listener mail! Drop us a line, [email protected], we're on FaceBook, so feel free to drop by there and strike up a conversation!
Monday, January 27, 2025 - TAPAS and SWISSROLLs and BRIE? Great in a grid, not so great on a plate 😀
This was a clever Monday crossword from a clever constructor, Alexander Liebeskind, who seems to excel at Mondays. Both cohosts found today's puzzle a bit crunchier (tougher) than usual, but the entertainment value was higher than usual, so it's a wash. Deets inside, including a fascinating attempt to decode SMH that was, TBH, waaaaay off. Show note imagery: a SWISSROLL -- the Little Debbie editionWe love feedback! Send us a text...Contact Info:We love listener mail! Drop us a line, [email protected], we're on FaceBook, so feel free to drop by there and strike up a conversation!
Sunday, January 26, 2025 - Hop on the re-bus 🙄
Today's crossword was a rarity -- its themed clues had pictures 🖼️ that had to be interpreted 🧐, as they were part of a rebus. By "rebus", we don't mean the "multiple letters scrunched in one square" variety, encountered frequently on Thursdays. Rather, we mean the more traditional definition: a puzzle in which pictures and typography are used to sound out an answer.This made for a challenging. but entertaining Sunday: as always, deets within!Show note imagery: Some TAICHI practitionersWe love feedback! Send us a text...Contact Info:We love listener mail! Drop us a line, [email protected], we're on FaceBook, so feel free to drop by there and strike up a conversation!
Saturday, January 25, 2025 - Begone, you ARMRESTHOG, you!
Today's crossword, by Michael Lieberman, was a bear (not the growly kind, obviously, but one of the tougher-leaning Saturday NYTimes crosswords). It was an excellent mental workout, and the cluing really was deviously delicious, just the way we like it! For those of you just starting to solve NYTimes crosswords, just a reminder that the Saturday NYTimes puzzle is traditionally the most difficult crossword of the week, with difficulty ranging from "yikes" to "you have got to be kidding!". So if you had probs with this crossword, you were not alone!In addition to today's crossword, we also are pleased to announce the winner of this week's JAMCOTWA™ (Jean And Mike Crossword Of The Week Award), and it is ... discussed in today's episode!Show note imagery: Boating on the River Epte, by MONETWe love feedback! Send us a text...Contact Info:We love listener mail! Drop us a line, [email protected], we're on FaceBook, so feel free to drop by there and strike up a conversation!
January 24, 2025 - We'd like to AMEND our definition of EMEND 🧐
This was a fine Friday crossword, and not just because the FLINTSTONES were in the grid ❤️. Jean tore through it, Mike spent an inordinate amount of time sorting out the difference between AMEND and EMEND. But both eventually got it solved, and had oodles of fun doing so, as you can tell from today's episode.In addition to the crossword, we are honoring the arrival of Friday with another Fun Fact Friday™ segment, this time, honoring the most famous "modern stone-age family" ever, aka the FLINTSTONES.Show note imagery: OSIRIS, who does indeed have green skinWe love feedback! Send us a text...Contact Info:We love listener mail! Drop us a line, [email protected], we're on FaceBook, so feel free to drop by there and strike up a conversation!
A short, fun and occasionally not unintentionally educational podcast in which two fans of the New York Times crossword describe their puzzle-solving travails.
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