Ep 72: Confessions of a Guru - Part 5: The Marvels and the Spoon
I hope you’re enjoying the new series of Confessions of a Guru.Here is our latest episode, Part 5: The Marvels and the Spoon.The “Guru” label is deliberately ironic as, in the age of the un-curated digital platform, everyone - it seems - is suddenly a Guru. Self-proclaimed anyway. 😉The format is to choose a story from my 30+ years of working with leaders globally, which illustrates the best or the worst of some aspect of leadership. After telling the story, I then extrapolate the message application for you to consider in your life and work. I know you’re busy, so it will always be brief! Part 5: The Marvels and the SpoonOne of the FAQs aimed in my direction is the basic question, “What actually is Leadership?” (and how does it differ from Management) One of my favourite ways to explore this is to tell a little-referenced vignette from “The Alchemist” (by Paulo Coelho), which puts both into neat context. It’s the short tale of a boy sent out to discover the secret of happiness from the wisest man in the world.In this episode, I share the vignette and then deconstruct it through the following themes: -Visionary Vs Doer: what’s the difference?-Visionary Vs Doer: which one are you?-Managing the Tension vs. solving the Problem-How to guarantee failure -What to do to avoid itAnd as always, there are some key reflection questions to mull over at the end as you navigate your own path. Support the show
Ep 71: Confessions of a Guru - Part 4: Calmest Person in the Boat
The New SeriesYes, indeed, Leadership in Chaos is truly back with an exciting new series – Confessions of a Guru. The “Guru” label is deliberately ironic as, in the age of the un-curated digital platform, everyone - it seems - is suddenly a Guru. Self-proclaimed anyway. 😉The format is to choose a story from my 30+ years of working with leaders globally, which illustrates the best or the worst of some aspect of leadership. After telling the story, I then extrapolate the message application for you to consider in your life and work. I know you’re busy, so it will always be brief! Part 4: Calmest Person in the BoatWe start 2025 with a new episode of the latest series, “Confessions of a Guru”. The theme is appropriate to the foggy uncertainty we find ourselves in on the eve of the Trump inauguration and the essential need for leaders to keep calm in pressure, tension, complexity and uncertainty.This episode explores the following: -What’s the connection between the 1970’s Vietnamese refugee crisis and leadership?-Limbic Leadership = The Dominant Emotion wins-Leadership reputation is won or lost in the high-stakes Moments that Matter-It’s about Impact, stupidThe featured story is about a Function Head who spread dis-ease amongst her team, wholly unconsciously and sabotaged beyond repair the good engagement before it had barely taken off the ground.And, as always, there are some key Reflection questions to mull over as you sail into 2025.Support the show
Ep 70: Confessions of a Guru - Part 3: Can you handle the Truth?
The New SeriesYes, indeed, Leadership in Chaos is truly back with an exciting new series – Confessions of a Guru. The “Guru” label is deliberately ironic as, in the age of the un-curated digital platform, everyone - it seems - is suddenly a Guru. Self-proclaimed anyway. 😉The format is to choose a story from my 30+ years of working with leaders globally which illustrates the best or the worst of some aspect of leadership. After telling the story, I then extrapolate the message application for you to consider in your life and work. I know you’re busy, so it will always be brief! Part 3: “Can you handle the Truth?”This is the story of a Boomerang client who revealed to me why, at her previous company, the executive had decided not to go any further with the Change project we were working on with them. “I absolutely loved what you were doing. It was having a great impact. But you were getting too close to the Truth…and Leadership didn’t like it”. Honestly.Support the show
Ep 69: Confessions of a Guru - Part 2: The "Non-Negotiables"
The New SeriesIf you haven’t already noticed, Leadership in Chaos is back with an exciting new series – Confessions of a Guru. The “Guru” label is deliberately ironic as, in the age of the un-curated digital platform, everyone - it seems - is suddenly a Guru. Self-proclaimed anyway. 😉 The format is to choose a story from my 30+ years of working with leaders globally which illustrates the best or the worst of some aspect of leadership. After telling the story I then extrapolate the message application for you to consider in your life and work. I know you’re busy so it will be always brief! Part 2 : The “Non-Negotiables”This story is very recent and, as we’re in Strategy season, stems from an Executive off-site to accomplish just that. The Episode title comes from a scene from Season 3 of The Bear (Disney+) where Carmy is relating his view of what’s required for a restaurant to be “excellent every day” – his "Non-Negotiables". Bon Appetit!Support the show
Ep 68: Confessions of a Guru - Part 1: The Say-Do Gap
Leadership in Chaos is back with an exciting new series – Confessions of a Guru. The “Guru” label is deliberately ironic as, in the age of the infinite digital platform, everyone, it seems, is a guru. By self-appointment. 😉The format is to choose a story from my 30+ years of working with leaders globally, which, illustrates the best or the worst of some aspects of leadership. After telling the story, I then extrapolate the message application for you to consider in your life and work. I know you’re busy, so it will be always brief! This Episode – Part OneThe first story is one that goes back to the very start of my career more than 30 years ago and tells about why I decided against undertaking a lucrative Change project with a client because they fell down on the Say-Do gap. I hope you enjoy….Support the show