This show is meant to provide you knowledge and vision for living the life you desire. YOU are the creator of your life, but sometimes we need a bit of inspirat...
EP 36- The End of the Podcast Season & Surviving the Holidays with Mindfulness
Hello and welcome back to another episode of Mindful Living with Dr. Cecilia Lopez. This is Zy, hello and Happy Holidays!
First off, this is the final episode for the 2021 season. Dr. L is working on a project she is excited to share with you all, which is coming in 2022. However, to avoid stretching herself too thin and experiencing burn out, we believe it’s best to take some time off the podcast for the Holiday Season.
Speaking of the Holiday Season, in today’s episode, Dr. L covers how to use mindfulness when dealing with Holiday Season stressors. Practicing mindfulness can help you stay grounded if you’re feeling overwhelmed (positive or negative) from seeing family members, last minute shopping, traveling, and other unique challenges the holidays bring.
Some themes and topics discussed are the following:
- Using your breath as an anchor to the present moment
- Recognizing whether you’re externally or internally stimulated and how to manage this
- Sitting in stillness and being aware of the present moment
- Radical Acceptance vs Resistance
- Utilizing mindfulness to manage anxiety, stress, and overwhelm
- and more!
To follow and support Dr. Lopez, you can find her on:
IG: @drcecilialopez
Email: [email protected]
Business email: [email protected]
Become a Patron!
You can find the Mindful Living with Dr. Cecilia Lopez podcast on:
Apple Podcasts
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Podcast Addict
We hope this episode helps you in some way! Until next time, we are grateful to share this space with you :) See you in 2022!
Ep 35 – Exploring Resilience with Lucie Tesarova: Mindset, Radical Acceptance and Intuition
Hello and welcome back to another episode of Mindful Living with Dr. Cecilia Lopez. This is Zy, hello!
On this episode we have an interview between Dr. L and the lovely Lucie Tesarova. Lucie is a Professional Certified Coach who helps others maximize their personal and professional potential. She is passionate about helping others explore, understand, and navigate their mental and emotional health through her three unique main services; private coaching, “mental fitness bootcamp”, and masterminds (a group to connect, recharge, receive support, and become inspired). She hosts Project Elephant which emphasizes kindness, mutual respect, and sharing experiences.
On this episode, they discuss the following themes and topics:
- Dr. L discusses Resiliency and shares the challenges she experienced after an injury and how she navigated and moved through this adversity.
- Using your intuition as a guide
- Utilizing tools such as sitting in stillness, mindful meditation, and riding waves
- The connection between meditation and resilience
- Radical acceptance
- and more!
You can find Lucie Tesarova on:
Instagram: @consulttosuccess
Her website:
YouTube: Consult to Success
To follow and support Dr. Lopez, you can find her on:
IG: @drcecilialopez
Email: [email protected]
Business email: [email protected]
Become a Patron!
You can find the Mindful Living with Dr. Cecilia Lopez podcast on:
Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Podcast Addict
We hope this episode helps you in some way! Until next time, we are grateful to share this space with you :)
EP 34: Utilizing PLEASE(D) Skills to Manage Stress & Mood
Hello! Dr. L here, bringing you another episode of Mindful Living. Yessss, I am a day late. Happy Belated Thanksgiving!
On this episode I bring you the acronym, PLEASE! PLEASE was originally an acronym for skills within Dr. Marsha Linehan’s Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I found an updated version of this acronym called PLEASED. Many scholars, psychologists and mental health professionals have since created updated versions of DBT and its tools and techniques. One such author is Lane Pederson, who wrote The Expanded Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Skills Training Manual (Second Edition, 2017). In this version, PLEASED (yep, a D was added) stands for the following:
P: Physical Health
L: List resources and barriers
E: Eat balanced meals
A: Avoid drugs and alcohol
S: Sleep between 7 and 10 hours
E: Exercise for 20 to 60 minutes a few days per week
D: Daily (Use PLEASED skills daily)
I provide my definition and opinions for each letter of the acronym. For the exact definitions of PLEASE from Marsha Linehan, this information is found free online, as well as many other mental health professional’s version of this acronym.
I hope this episode helps you in some way! Until next time. :)
IG: @drcecilialopez
Email: [email protected]
Business email: [email protected]
Become a Patron!
Lane Pederson, PsyD, LP, DBTC is not affiliated or associated with Marsha M. Linehan, PhD, ABPP, or her organization.
Ep 33 – Using Assertiveness Techniques to Communicate Thoughts, Emotions and Desires
Hello and welcome back to another episode of Mindful Living with Dr. Cecilia Lopez. This is Zy, hello!
For today’s episode, Dr. L covers assertiveness skills for effective communication. These skills can assist you if you need to communicate thoughts, emotions or desires to someone while remaining respectful. Assertiveness can help with setting boundaries, expressing vulnerabilities and also validating your speaking partner. These skills can be used in romantic, platonic, familial, and professional relationships, and even with strangers.
Included in these skills are the following:
- "I" Statements
- Validating Others
- The "Sandwich Technique" (one of my personal favorites)
- Being a Broken Record (on purpose)
- The importance of tone
- Tricks, tips, and sayings that Dr. L has made up over the years to help teach this communication style
We hope you learn a thing or two and find this episode helpful! I personally think assertiveness skills are invaluable and are very helpful (and I still use what I learned today).
Feel free to share this episode with someone you think may find it helpful and, if you have a minute, please leave a review on the podcast platform of your choosing (Apple, Google, Podcast Addict, Spotify).
You may also find this episode on IGTV (IG: @drcecilialopez) and can leave a comment. For business inquiries you may email me at [email protected]. To work with Dr. Lopez as a therapy client (California residents) you may email her at [email protected].
Dr. L has a Patreon! If you’d like to donate to support us in making this Podcast and other things to come, click this link
We appreciate you!
Ep 32 – Using the “Pickle Jar Theory” for Time and Stress Management
Hello and welcome back to another episode of Mindful Living with Dr. Cecilia Lopez. This is Zy, hello!
For today’s episode, Dr. L gives you a quick overview of what is called the “Pickle Jar Theory”. More commonly known as Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix, this technique helps you with time and stress management by helping identify and prioritize different tasks. The matrix is a box divided into four quadrants, which each represents a different way your time is organized based on urgency and importance. Dr. L also teaches this by using the examples of golf balls, marbles, sand, and water.
The four quadrants are:
1. [Golf Balls] Urgent and Important (to me)
2. [Marbles] Not Urgent yet Important
3. [Sand] Urgent but Not Important (to me)
4. [Water] Not Urgent and Not Important
We hope you learn a thing or two and find this episode helpful! I know when I was working with her and she gave a lesson on this, I found it very useful.
Please share this episode with someone you think may need it and, if you found this episode helpful, leave a review on the podcast platform of your choosing (Apple, Google, Podcast Addict, Spotify).
You may also find this episode on IGTV (IG: @drcecilialopez) and can leave a comment. For business inquiries you may email me at [email protected]. To work with Dr. Lopez as a therapy client (California residents) you may email her at [email protected].
Dr. L has a Patreon! If you’d like to donate to support us in making this Podcast and other things to come, click this link We appreciate you!
for more info on the matrix theory:
This show is meant to provide you knowledge and vision for living the life you desire. YOU are the creator of your life, but sometimes we need a bit of inspiration, direction and a gentle push to get us going. Dr. Cecilia Lopez is a psychotherapist in California, US. More specifically she is a marriage and family therapist and holds a doctorate and master's degree in counseling psychology. Yes, she will be discussing topics that shed light on mental health and offer guidance, but direct mental health topics isn't all this show is about. Dr. L believes that to live a life with healthy mental and emotional balance, there needs to be balance and attention to other areas of life, too. This may include nutrition, spirituality, play, creativity, and other subjects that tickle our curiosity. This podcast aims to get your wheels turning and to help you visualize the life you desire so that you may take the brave steps toward creating that life. Dr. L does both solo episodes as well as brings on guests who are experts in their respective field in order to shed light on topics that she believes may benefit her listeners. She hopes to help you, the listener, live life in a mindful way, tending to mind, body and soul. Join us. :)
All information contained on and within this podcast (which may include associated websites, YouTube, Twitch, Patreon and social media platforms), as well as every service, product or program that is offered, is solely for educational and informational purposes only. Dr Cecilia Lopez has a doctorate and master’s degree in counseling psychology and is a licensed marriage and family therapist, and is not responsible for, nor will be held liable for, any exchange or relationship that is a result of interaction on this podcast, associated website or platforms, including the content or quality of information exchange therein by its users. The information and services provided give no warranty, claim, treatment, or guarantee of results and are for empowerment and educational use under the Owner’s expertise. Due to fluctuations in individuals' physical condition and mental biochemistry, no guarantee of any specific results or outcomes can be given. Any and all content throughout Owner's podcast, website and associated platforms as well as other content and/or testimonials on ancillary social media presence (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, or other) is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease, physical or mental condition, and does not in any way qualify or substitute any advice received or consultation with a qualified medical practitioner.
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