Discovering, celebrating and inviting people into the courageous and beautiful life of mission in Ireland. We believe mission should be in the hearts and hands ...
Missional Enterprise
Missional Enterprise is a concept that blends the mission of the church with the principles of business and entrepreneurship. Join Simon and Ross as they speak with Sarah Louise Martin who is the Regional Director of Community for Europe & U.K. with Faith Driven Entrepreneur, as they discuss the themes of Missional Enterprise and how it relates to the church and mission in the modern world.
Notes on Resources:
The Deeply Formed Life - Rich Villodas
Faith Driven Entrepreneur Website / Podcast -
Christian Social Innovation - Gregory Jones
Brave Cities - Hugh Halter
The Secret Business Practices of the Trappist Monks - August Turak
Forge Course -
Pioneering Mission
This week’s episode of the podcast discusses the topic of Pioneering Mission. Donna and Simon speak with Hannah Agnew who is pioneer mission leader with the Methodist Church, and Gareth MacLean minister of Orangefield Presbyterian Church. This discussion covers the different perspectives from both Hannah and Gareth as they serve in their contexts.
Urban Mission
In this episode we discuss what God might be doing in our city centres and urban areas. Simon and Donna are joined by Richard Carson and David Gardner who talk about their journey so far and how they are engaging with and serving communities in Dublin City centre.
Global Mission
In this episode we speak with Emma Lynch from Tear Fund Ireland and Michael Briggs from Christian Aid Ireland. Today's discussion will cover the concept of global mission and what that might mean for us in Ireland as we look to the international mission context.
Mission Disco is back!
After a two year break, Mission Disco is back! In this episode, Simon and Ross reflect on the journey so far and discuss what's planned for the future. They also introduce Donna Jennings who will be a new co-host on the podcast. Together, they discuss what’s been happening behind the scenes and what we can expect in the upcoming series. Welcome back to Mission Disco!
Discovering, celebrating and inviting people into the courageous and beautiful life of mission in Ireland. We believe mission should be in the hearts and hands of every ordinary Christian. Mission Disco is a podcast conversation about imagination, innovation and Christian mission in Ireland and beyond.
This podcast is hosted by Simon Kilpatrick and Brian Sanders.
Simon is a native of Dublin, has worked in Urban Junction/Ignite since 2001. He is Dad to 3 daughters and husband to one wife. Simon serves as a chaplain in a local school, and in the Home Mission Department of the Methodist church. Simon has many qualifications and gifts and loves working with different people from different place.
Brian is the founder and Executive Director of the Underground Network. A serial entrepreneur, Brian has helped to start hundreds of missional enterprises, including churches, nonprofits, and businesses all over the world. Brian has lived with his wife and six children in intentional community in the inner-city for more than twenty years, embodying the ideas that drive him and is now living and working in Dublin, Ireland with his wife and two youngest kids.