Welcome back to Nephilim Death Squad! In this mind-bending episode, hosts David Lee Corbo (The Raven) and Top Lobster sit down with the one and only Jacob Israel—YouTube creator, former WWE head writer, and seeker of truth. From unraveling the simulation we might be living in to exposing the spiritual battles behind wrestling’s biggest moments, Jacob drops bombshells you won’t believe. Ever wonder how the "Right to Censor" shook up WWE or why politics feels like a scripted theater? We’ve got answers.We dive deep into Jacob’s wild journey: writing for The Rock and Undertaker, selling mattresses, and decoding scripture to challenge everything you thought you knew about hell, Christ, and the matrix we call reality. Is Elon Musk setting up a prison planet? Are we on the event horizon of a black hole? And what’s with that Jacob’s Ladder escalator to the heavens? This convo goes full Nephilim—conspiracy, faith, and a sprinkle of chaos.JOIN THE PATREON FOR AD FREE EPISODES BEFORE THEY DROP AND BECOME PART OF THE GROWING COMMUNITY OF DANGEROUS RTRDs ON TELEGRAM:https://www.patreon.com/NephilimDeathSquadFIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA:NEPHILIM DEATH SQUAD:Nephilim Death Squad | ALL LINKShttp://
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