Skype of Cthulhu presents a Delta Green campaign scenario. Impossible Landscapes by Dennis Detwiller.
September 5, 2015
The investigators make the treacherous journey to the palace, but one will make their final stand.
Dramatis Persone:
Jonathan as the Handler
Max as Michael Witwer
Gary as Agent Gary
Randall as Agent Gus
Sean as Agent Gerald
Steve as Agent Gwen
Jim as Thomas Wright
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934 - And Some Fell on Stony Ground 06
Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. And Some Fell on Stony Ground by Paul Fricker from Nameless Horrors.
Please note that this episode contains depictions of violence that some people may find disturbing.
February, 1922
Stowell, OH
The poor unaffected souls decide that discretion is the better part of valor but only a few will live to fight another day.
Dramatis Persone:
Edwin as the Keeper of Arcane Lore
Meredith as Betty Considine, Waitress
Jim as Elois Bircher, School Teacher
Randall as Bert Lowry, Car Salesman
Rachael as Annabelle Heam, Kitchen Hand
Steve as Fred Schenck, Barber
Gary as Wesley Frost, Bank Clerk
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Podcast statistics
933 - Impossible Landscapes 26
Skype of Cthulhu presents a Delta Green campaign scenario. Impossible Landscapes by Dennis Detwiller.
September 5, 2015
The investigators try to understand the strange logic (or illogic) of their new surroundings.
Dramatis Persone:
Jonathan as the Handler
Max as Michael Witwer
Gary as Agent Gary
Randall as Agent Gus
Sean as Agent Gerald
Steve as Agent Gwen
Jim as Thomas Wright
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Podcast statistics
932 - And Some Fell on Stony Ground 05
Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. And Some Fell on Stony Ground by Paul Fricker from Nameless Horrors.
Please note that this episode contains depictions of violence that some people may find disturbing.
February, 1922
Stowell, OH
A visit to the hospital turns out to not be as medicial as the investigators hoped.
Dramatis Persone:
Edwin as the Keeper of Arcane Lore
Meredith as Betty Considine, Waitress
Jim as Elois Bircher, School Teacher
Randall as Bert Lowry, Car Salesman
Rachael as Annabelle Heam, Kitchen Hand
Steve as Fred Schenck, Barber
Gary as Wesley Frost, Bank Clerk
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Podcast statistics
931 - Impossible Landscapes 25
Skype of Cthulhu presents a Delta Green campaign scenario. Impossible Landscapes by Dennis Detwiller.
September 5, 2015
Hotel Broadalbin
Following up on the advice of a hotel employee, the team pay a price to find their bottles.
Dramatis Persone:
Jonathan as the Handler
Max as Michael Witwer
Gary as Agent Gary
Randall as Agent Gus
Sean as Agent Gerald
Steve as Agent Gwen
Jim as Thomas Wright
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Podcast statistics