Acts - The Whole Book, The Whole Story.
Send us a textAs we close out this three-month journey through the book of Acts, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to every one of you who joined me in what for me was my first time trough the book of Acts in its entirety. Studying the Bible in a verse-by-verse manner, comes with its joys and challenges. While it allows us to appreciate every detail of God's Word, there’s also the risk of getting so caught up in the small frames that we miss the larger story.The book of Acts, like many parts of the Bible, is a story—a grand, overarching narrative of God’s unstoppable work. Think of it as a film. A movie is made up of thousands of frames, each meaningful on its own. But if we focus solely on one frame, we miss the beauty and power of the complete story.That’s why today, in this final episode of our study series, we’ll zoom out and see Acts as a whole. Here’s the big picture:Jesus is working by the Holy Spirit, through His people, to spread the Gospel from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.Through it all, we see Jesus continuing His ministry—not in person, as in the Gospel of Luke, but through the Holy Spirit, empowering ordinary people.Key Themes from ActsThe Power of the Holy Spirit.The Church's Mission.The Role of LeadershipThe Unstoppable GospelThe Inclusion of the GentilesThe Big Picture.The Saviour went up (Jesus ascended).The Holy Spirit came down (at Pentecost).The church went out (to spread the Gospel).The lost came in (as people believed and were saved).Acts doesn’t end with a grand resolution. Instead, it closes with Paul under house arrest in Rome, boldly preaching the Gospel to anyone who would listen. This open-ended conclusion reminds us that the story isn’t over. The work begun in Acts continues today—through us.A Final Challenge I challenge you to see yourself in this story. God still works through ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. You don’t need a degree or a title to share the Gospel. You just need faith, courage, and the willingness to say, “Here I am, Lord. Use me.”The book of Acts is a story of God’s unstoppable mission, and you’re invited to be a part of it.Thank you for journeying through Acts with me. May our time together in this season inspire you to live boldly for Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, as we continue to proclaim the Good News to a world in need.For an ad-free version of the podcast plus the opportunity to enjoy hours of exclusive content and two bonus episodes a month and also help keep the Bible Project Daily Podcast free for listeners everywhere at; here to receive my new church history podcast every few weeks at."Ask Me Anything": What Do You Want From God?Welcome to Ask Me Anything, the podcast where we give you biblical answers to...Listen on: Apple Podcasts SpotifySupport the showJeremy McCandless is creating podcasts and devotional resources | PatreonHelp us continue making great content for listeners everywhere.