The audio companion to’s daily email meditations on fatherhood, read by Ryan Holiday. Each daily reading will help you find the wisdom, inner stren...
This moment you have right now, even if it’s stressful, even if it’s exhausting, even if it's ordinary and humdrum…it won’t feel that way almost immediately after it passes. Squarespace | Go to to save 10% on your first purchase of a website or domain! ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
Are You Showing Them This?
If we want our children to embrace growth and challenge, we must model it ourselves. 💡 Challenge yourself to spring forward and become the person you aspire to be. The Spring Forward Challenge starts March 20, 2025. Visit and sign up now! 👉 Get The Spring Forward Challenge & all other Daily Stoic courses for FREE when you join Daily Stoic Life | Squarespace | Go to to save 10% on your first purchase of a website or domain! ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
Can You Do This?
It all becomes like a blur, the big moments and the small ones, one task from the next, one day to the next. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
Josh Brolin: "I Just Had A Parenting Freak Out"
Josh Brolin sits down with Ryan, fresh off a full-blown parenting meltdown. As he puts it, “I just had to read The Daily Dad to calm the f**k down.” In today's episode, Josh and Ryan dive into the raw realities of fatherhood, the influence of his own parents, and the timeless lessons that continue to shape him as a dad.Josh Brolin's breakout role was in The Goonies (1985), and after a hiatus from Hollywood, he made a powerful comeback in No Country for Old Men (2007). He received an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor for his portrayal of Dan White in the biopic Milk (2008). Brolin is also known for playing Thanos in the Avengers series, Cable in the Deadpool films, and Gurney Halleck in the Dune franchise.You can grab a copy of From Under The Truck by Josh Brolin at The Painted Porch. Follow Josh on Instagram @JoshBrolin and on X @TheJoshBrolin🎥 Watch Josh Brolin's full interview on The Daily Stoic Podcast:💪 Go to to get 20% off with the code DAILYDAD20✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email:📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
There Is So Much More Inside You Now
You liked children. You cared about people besides yourself. But then you had your own kids, and something changed. 💪 Momentous | Go to to get to 20% with the code DAILYDAD20 ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
The audio companion to’s daily email meditations on fatherhood, read by Ryan Holiday. Each daily reading will help you find the wisdom, inner strength, and good humor you need in order to be a great dad. Learn from historical figures and contemporary fathers how to do your most important job. Find more at