Whether you have your results back or not, or whether you were happy or disappointed, this podcast is all about what to do once the Mocks are over.
Luke, Andy, and Erin chat about their own experiences with that post-Mock feeling, coping with failure, and how best to use your time between here and June.
Follow Studyclix on social media for updates, study tips, competitions, memes and more!
Instagram: @studyclix
TikTok: @studyclix.ie
How to feel ready for the mocks
The Studyclix Podcast is back!
Luke is joined by Andy and Erin to chat about their experiences with the Mocks and the realistic advice they have for students facing those exams right now.
Follow Studyclix on social media for updates, study tips, competitions, memes and more!
Instagram: @studyclix
TikTok: @studyclix.ie
Tips for the CAO with ATU's Fiona Kelly
Luke from Studyclix chatted to Fiona Kelly, head of marketing ATU who is also an expert in the CAO!
They chatted about everything from important dates to know to how to pick the right course for you.
ATU are hosting open days in Donegal, Galway and Sligo in January, head to ATU.ie/opendays for more information
ATU Chats: Computing & Digital Media student Zainab
Luke chats with Zainab, a third-year student in ATU Galway studying Computing and Digital Media, to find out more about her course, and what her tips are for students trying to decide what course is right for them.
Luke chats with Siobhán Egan, a first year student in ATU Donegal studying Athletic Therapy & Exercise Rehabilitation, to find out more about her course, campus life at ATU Donegal, and tips for what questions students should ask when they go to open days.
Find out more at https://www.atu.ie/study-at-atu/open-days