Welcome to this special final episode of series three of the TeachingEnglish podcast! Chris and We'am look back at some of the highlights from the series. They also talk to a panel of ELT experts who answer the questions from you, our TeachingEnglish community listeners. First, we ask IATEFL vice president Chris Graham about teacher associations and their benefits. Chris gives his view on teacher talk time and talks about how ideas about learning styles have changed. Next, PhD researcher Silvia Nassar gives some practical techniques for teaching collocations. She also tells us how to deal with fast finishers to maximise learning and minimise disruption. Finally, we talk to university professor Lina Mukhopadhyay, an expert in multilingualism and English language education based in Hyderabad, India. Lina helps us think about how to use students' home languages in class and shares some of the challenges and benefits of multilingual classes.Download the show notes and transcripts in English and Arabic.
How can we use the creative arts to teach English?
In this episode, we ask the question: How can I use the creative arts to teach English? Chris and We'am talk about how art in the classroom can help create a positive atmosphere for learning. First they talk to Chrysa Papalazarou. She talks about how the use of visual art can capture the attention of learners and help develop emotional intelligence. Next, Dr Sirhajwan Idek talks about the Dau Dau project in Borneo. This project uses indigenous art to bridge the gap between local culture and language and English.Download the show notes and transcripts in English and Arabic
How can we motivate our students?
In this episode, we ask the question: how can I motivate my students? Chris and We'am discuss what motivation in English teaching means to them and the importance of motivation for learners. First they talk to Liam Printer, an expert in motivation in language teaching. He explains the different types of motivation and how we can help learners to really enjoy learning. Next they talk to Azadeh Moladoost, a PhD researcher on teacher motivation. She gives some tips on how teachers can stay motivated, even when they have restrictions on what they can do in the classroom.Download the show notes and transcripts in English and Arabic.
What is critical thinking and how can we integrate it into English language teaching?
This week, Chris and We’am discuss critical thinking – what does it mean, why is it important and what role does it have to play in English language teaching? Chris and We’am start by talking about critical thinking as a mindset rather than as a skill separate to other learning. First up, they talk to Paul Dummett, who helps define what we mean by critical thinking before going on to discuss its practical role in ELT. In our second interview, Chris and We’am talk to Graham Crookes. They discuss how small changes can be made within the language classroom to make room for critical thinking. We also link back to a previous episode where Chris and Rose Aylett look at the role of micro-resistances in a classroom setting.Download the show notes and transcripts in English and Arabic.
How can we use play to teach English?
In episode 6 we ask the question: How can we use play to teach English? First up this week, Chris talks about how he has used play in his teaching, and introduces We'am to a game from his childhood days. Then they talk to Elly Setterfield, a young learner ELT specialist. Elly discusses the Lego Foundation's definition of play and how it can be incorporated into English language teaching. Next they interview Wei Mao, a PhD researcher on play in ELT. Wei talks about the spectrum of play and the practicalities of how different types of play can be used strategically in the classroom.Download the show notes and transcripts in English and Arabic.
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