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Free time = Le temps libre
Vacation = Vacances
To relax = Se détendre
Relaxing = Relaxant
Relaxation = La détente
Entertainment = Divertissement
A pastime = Passe-temps
Reading = Lire
Dancing = Danser
Singing = Chanter
Listening to music = Écouter de la musique
Playing a musical instrument = Jouer d'un instrument
Shopping = Faire du shopping
Travelling = Voyager
Drawing = Dessiner
Painting = Peindre
Cooking = Cuisiner
Gardening = Jardiner
Cycling = Faire du vélo
Exercising = Faire de l'exercice
🦓 French Vocabulary | Animals 🐧
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.
Anteater = Fourmilier
Antlers = Bois du cerf
Bat = Chauve-souris
Bear = Ours
Bear cub = Ourson
Beaver = Castor
Boar = Sanglier
To boar = Élever
Bull = Taureau
To cackle = Caqueter
Calf, calves = Veau
Camel = Chameau
Cat = Chat
Chick = Poussin
Chicken = Poulet
Cow = Vache
Deer = Cerf
Doe = Biche, lapine
Dog = Chien
Duck = Canard
Duckling = Caneton
Eagle = Aigle
Elk = Elan, wapiti
Ewe = Brebis
Fallow deer = Daim
Feather = Plume
Foal = Poulain
To force-feed = Gaver
Fowl = Volaille
Fox = Renard
Game = Gibier
Goat = Chèvre
Goose, geese = Oie
Hare = Lièvre
Hen = Poule
Herd of... = Troupeau de...
Hog, swine = Porc
Horse = Cheval
Kitten = Chaton
Lamb = Agneau
To lay an egg = Pondre un oeuf
Lion = Lion
Lion cub = Lionceau
Mammal = Mammifère
Mare = Jument
Mink = Vison
Mole = Taupe
Monkey = Singe
Moose = Elan
Mouse, mice = Souris
Offspring = Progéniture
Ostrich = Autruche
Ox, oxen = Boeuf
Pack of... = Meute de...
Peacock = Paon
Pig = Cochon
To pluck feathers = Plumer
Puppy = Chiot
Purebred = De race
Rabbit = Lapin
Ram = Bélier
Red deer = Cerf
Reindeer = Renne
Roe deer = Chevreuil
Rooster, cock = Coq
Sheep = Mouton
Skunk = Putois
Sow = Truie
Squirrel = Écureuil
To squirrel away = Amasser
Stallion = Etalon
Swan = Cygne
Turkey = Dinde, dindon
Vixen = Renarde
Wolf, wolves = Loup
🍽️ French Vocabulary | Diner
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.
appetizer = une entrée
to ask for the bill or to ask for the check = demander l'addition
baked potato = pomme de terre cuite au four
beef = du bœuf
beef stew = ragoût de boeuf
bill, or, check = addition
bitter = amer
bread = du pain
breakfast = petit déjeuner
calves' liver = foie de veau
chef = chef de cuisine
chicken breast = blanc de poulet
cocktail = apéritif
coleslaw = salade de choux sucrée
cordial = digestif
cork = bouchon
cutlet = escalope
delicious = délicieux
dessert = dessert
to have dinner, or, to dine = dîner
to dine out = aller au restaurant
diner = café-restaurant
dining out = le fait d'aller au restaurant
dining room = salle à manger
Advanced French Vocabulary | Insurance
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.
act of God = un cas de force majeur
additional insurance = assurance complémentaire
all-risk policy = assurance tous risques
annuity = annuité
arbitration = arbitrage
to ask damages of = demander des dommages et intérêts
to assess a risk = évaluer un risque
to award damages = accorder des dommages et intérêts
to be at fault = être en tort
to be injured = être blessé
to be liable for = être responsable
beneficiary = bénéficiaire
bodily injury = dommage, préjudice corporel
breakage = casse
burglary insurance = assurance contre le cambriolage
to charge a rate = calculer un taux
claim form = formulaire de déclaration de sinistre
claimant = assuré sinistré
claims adjuster = expert en sinistres
compensate someone for something = indemniser quelqu'un de quelque chose
compensation = indemnisation
damage = dégâts
damage to property = dommages
death benefit = capital décès
deferred annuity = rente différée
to delete = annuler, rayer
to disallow a claim = rejeter une réclamation
estimate = estimation, devis
expiration date = date d'expiration
to file a claim, to report an accident = déclarer un sinistre
glass breakage = bris de glace
to gouge the client = escroquer le client
to guarantee against loss = garantir les pertes
health insurance = assurance maladie, mutuelle
to be held liable for = être tenu responsable de
to initial = parapher
insurance = assurance
insurance broker = courtier en assurances
insurance premium = prime d'assurance
to insure a car = assurer une voiture
to issue a policy = établir une police
liability = responsabilité civile
lump sum settlement = règlement forfaitaire
maturity = échéance
maturity date = date d'échéance
monthly premium multi-risk policy = prime mensuelle
multi-risk policy = police multirisque
to process a claim = traiter une réclamation
to provide for one's retirement = préparer sa retraite
to renew a policy = renouveler sa police d'assurance
rider, or, addendum = l'avenant
risk = le risque
risk-free = sans risque
to settle a claim = indemniser
to settle out of court = s'arranger à l'amiable
to sue for damages = poursuivre en dommages et intérêts
to sue, or, to take to court = poursuivre
to sustain a loss = subir une perte
to take out an insurance policy =
prendre une police d'assurance
the other party = la partie adverse
to underwrite = souscrire/garantir
to underwrite a policy = souscrire une police
underwriter = l'assureur
unemployment insurance = l'assurance chômage
to work on commission = travailler à la commission
🧣 French Vocabulary | Accessories 👔
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.
beanie. hat = bonnet
bobby pin = pince à cheveux
bow tie = nœud papillon
broach = broche
to buckle one's belt = attacher sa ceinture
cap = casquette
comb = peigne
to comb = peigner
diamond = diamant
earrings = boucles d'oreille
emerald = émeraude
engagement ring = bague de fiançailles
flip-flop = tongues
gem = pierre précieuse
glove = gant
golden = doré
hair tie = bandeau
hair brush = brosse à cheveux
handbag = Sac à main
handkerchief = mouchoir
hanger = cintre
hat = chapeau
heels = talons
jewel = bijou
jewelry = bijoux
keyring = porte-clés
leatherwork = maroquinerie
lighter = plus léger
lipstick = rouge à lèvres
locket = médaillon
makeup = maquillage
necklace = Collier
pearl = perle
pin = épingle
pinned = épinglé
shoe polish = cirage
wallet = porte monnaie
ribbon = ruban
ring = bague
rubber band = élastique à cheveux
ruby = rubis
sapphire = saphir
scarf = écharpe
shoelace = lacet
silver = argent
slipper = pantoufle
stockings. tights = collants
stone = pierre
tie = cravate
to tie one's tie = attacher sa cravatte
timepiece = montre
walking stick = canne
a watch = une montre
watch face = cadran
wedding ring = Alliance
apron = tablier
umbrella = parapluie
shawl = châle