In this podcast you are going to learn how to ask questions in French by using the phrase Est-ce que.
Examples mentioned
1- Est-ce que vous parlez anglais? 2- Est-ce que vous venez du Brésil? 3- Est-ce que vous habitez à Paris? 4- Est-ce que regardez la télé tous les jours?
S2E11 - Reading Sentences
This time we are going to read some sentences with words containing the sounds we have practiced. You can download a PDF to help you out at
S2E10 - How to pronounce the combination eu in French
Words to pronounce
heure - jeune - feu - cheveux - beurre - neuf
Je / j'ai
S2E9 - How to pronounce the [U] sound in French
These are the words you are gonna practice with me.
Tu - Menu - Musique - Bu - Bulle - Super - Sûr - Une - Voiture
S2E8 - How to pronounce OU and AU
These are the words we are going to practice:
[OU] = Coucou - amour - mouton - journée - vous - rouge - douze
[AU] = Jaune - sauce - faute - hôpitaux - aux - animaux - l’automne