Private Practice Orthodontists Drs. Chris Teeters, Andy Sarpotdar, and Brian Anderson discuss with notable guests tips and tricks to improve your clinic, busine...
Dr. Matt Larson - AAO Leadership, the Future of DTC, New Innovations, and Practice Pearls
Improve your practice and life by tuning in to episode 8 of the Orthodontic Pearls Podcast featuringDr. Matt Larson of Larson Orthodontics and AAO’s Chair of the Committee of Conferences. Here are thekey moments:2:35 -Dr. Larson’s role with the AAO and Committee on Conferences4:32 - Open call forAAO Speakers and what they’re looking for - highlights of upcoming AAO Meetings and speakers8:45 - Pearls Post fromDr. Jackson Kelley Griffeth- Discussingdirect to consumer Orthodontics in the past, present, and future.22:05 =Strategies to adaptto patient demands withpersonalized care.39:20 - Dr. Larson’spractice story, publishing the latest editions ofContempoary Orthodontics with the late and respectedDr. William Proffit,meeting his wifeDr. Katie Larson, andteaching as an adjunct faculty member at theUniversity of Minnesota.45:08 - Dr. Larson’s best practice advice for new graduates and transitioning orthodontists.47:41 -Personality types, leveraging unique talents and overcoming “paralysis by analysis.”60:46 - Newupcoming innovations in orthodontics75:30 - Dr. Matt Larson’sTop 3 PearlsYou down with OPP? Pleaselike and subscribe so you don’t miss ourupcoming episodes featuringTony Peniche, Dr. Adam Schulhof, Dr. David White and more!
Dr. Greg Ohanian - Practice and Life During a Crisis; Surviving the CA Wildfires
Improve your practice and life by tuning in to Episode 7 of the new Orthodontic Pearls Podcast featuring Dr. Greg Ohanian practicing in southern California among the wildfires. Here are the key takeaways:Learn from Dr. Ohanian’s experience with embers of the fire all around his home and 90 MPH winds How have the California wildfires affected his practice?What was it like to have his sister’s house burnt downWhat he learned in times of crisis The value of relationships and helping your communityOn-the-ground report of the devastationThe future of his practice and the residents of southern CaliforniaGreg’s biggest lessons learned from his experienceYou down with OPP? Please like and subscribe so you don’t miss our upcoming episodes featuring Dr. Matt Larson, Tony Peniche, and Dr. Adam Schulhof!
Dr. Kyle Fagala - Practice Models, Introverted Personalities in Extraverted Endeavors, and Digital Marketing Strategies for Practice Success
Join us for the 6th episode of the OPP featuring The Digital Orthdontist, Dr. Kyle Fagala! Here are the key moments:
1:48 - Pearls Post from Dr. Glenn Dubroc: Retiring early with a single location, low volume, low overhead practice.
3:18 - Dr. Kyle Fagala’s practice model and thoughts of different practice structures and goals: 2 location, 3 days a week, 1 associate
6:45 - Dr. Chris Teeters’ practice model: Ortho/Pedo Single location, high volume, 3 days a week
9:28 - Dr. Brian Anderson’s practice model: Own pedo to feed ortho, 2 location, high volume, variable schedule.
14:14 - Dr. Andy Sarpotdar’s first experience working for a chain
20:13 - Thoughts on Money as a metric
22:30 - “Know thy self”
25:00 - What drives you?
28:40 - The INTJ “Architect” personality
30:10 - How Kyle met his wife, Anna
32:35 - What drives an Introvert to be a public figure?
37:37 - Pursuit of excellence
42:48 - The story and rise of RELAPSE as an all-orthodontist band
53:00 - The role of luck and God’s hand in success
56:35 - Marketing strategies in orthodontics
74:00 - AI and Chat GPT’s role in digital marketing
78:18 - How Kyle utilizes Chat GPT for brainstorming and productivity
89:06 - Kyle’s Top 3 Pearls
Dr. Corinne Devin - Practice Euphemisms, Achieving Huge Goals, Military Service, and Life Lessons
Dr. Corinne Devin Key Moments:
2:36 - Exploring a Pearls Post from Larry Levin - Analogies and euphemisms to improve patient communication and experience.
13:11 - Applying real life lessons for patient motivation.
15:25 - Exceeding expectations in customer service. The skiing analogy.
17:30 - Military service, challenging orthodontics, and winning beauty pageants.
26:40 - Lessons learned while practicing and living in Japan and Italy.
33:30 - Work/life balance in different cultures.
36:15 - The influence of culture in who we become.
39:19 - Nature vs. nurture in optimizing your potential.
44:14 - The importance of gratitude and humility.
46:05 - Serving during the pandemic
52:40 - Returning to the USA
55:44 - Life Goals - Publishing a book, speaking at the AAO, and Corinne’s TED talk
61:02 - Personality types
69:59 - Using MBTI as a leader
76:10 - Being confident yet vulnerable
78:32 - Dr. Corinne Devin’s top 3 pearls
Shannon Patterson - The Future of the Orthodontic Profession
Today we have our honored guest Shannon Patterson as we discuss the current state of the orthodontic profession, the rise of OSOs, and predictions of our profession’s future.
Private Practice Orthodontists Drs. Chris Teeters, Andy Sarpotdar, and Brian Anderson discuss with notable guests tips and tricks to improve your clinic, business, and life.