Weekly podcasts of spiritual guidance focusing on topics like metaphysics, mysticism, shamanism, energy healing, and how to apply these principles to the daily ...
Episode 57. 13 signs of spiritual maturity Part 9.
Self- Love One cannot have true self-love without having self-knowledge first.
The imprints and labels we have been saddled with throughout our lives have caused us to believe things about ourselves that aren't true. We have therefore rejected parts of ourselves as a result. These are the parts of ourselves that we see as unlovable.
We also have genuine traumas that have caused us to feel shame, guilt, and regret which have also stopped us from seeing our core essence of innocence and beauty. These are more roadblocks to self-love.
Perhaps we have been hurt by our loved ones directly through abuse, betrayal, etc., or indirectly through death or relationship break-ups. This can cause us to create an energetic shield to cover these painful wounds. Unlike a scab that forms over a physical wound that later falls off when the wound is healed, an energetic "scab" or shield does not fall away until we have addressed the wound directly.
The result of these protective shields is blocking out receiving love from those closest to us, and life in general, leaving us feeling deprived of life-giving nourishment. When we heal the underlying hurt that has caused these shields to form we can live an open-hearted life free to receive love as well as giving.
Episode 56. 13 signs of spiritual maturity Part 8.
The battle for self-knowledge. Who am I? Who am I not? What am I? What am I not?
In a mirrored reality it is very challenging to understand who you truly are when almost everything you think you know about yourself has come from the mirrored world around you, i.e. backwards/inverted reality.
Most of the time we have been observing what we're not rather than what we are. By observing and experiencing what we're not we have developed certain coping mechanisms in the form of personality to navigate and blend into this artificial dream of separation we find ourselves in.
However, seeing what we are not has served the purpose of bringing us closer to what and who we are. It narrows the focus to seeing the real and is amplified by the process of going deeper within the self to establish a relationship with the Infinite. Feeling into the real in life and having the poetic perspective to see behind appearances, including the masks that people wear, can help to draw in more of what we are in resonance with. More of the real that becomes our expression rather our reflection.
In this real dream of the Infinite we get to experience life as what we are rather than what we are not. Life becomes more wholesome and joyful with less and less distortions of mirrors and opposites. What you are not is more discernable and life becomes easier to navigate with grace and poise.
Episode 55. 13 signs of spiritual maturity Part 6 & 7
Self-transparency and seeing through the masks that people wear, and the lies they tell themselves and others.
To see through people's lies you have to be completely honest and truthful with yourself. Ruthlessly so! Stalking yourself is a key aspect of spiritual growth where you question your thoughts and actions to make sure you are not trying to manipulate, control, or impose your will on people. You must be completely agenda-less.
This self-transparency allows you to connect to the frequency of truth, so you know when you hear it, see it, or feel it. Therefore when someone is lying to you, even if they are just lying to themselves, you can spot it a mile away. It will feel off and eventually will become so obvious that you will feel you've seen this movie before and are completely aware how it will transpire.
This facilitates a life of grace where you are not getting pulled into other people's distortions and instead can navigate your way out of potential pitfalls that can rob you of your consciousness. If you are aware of an agenda or a lie you are telling yourself and act on it anyway, you can expect immediate repercussions to the point that living anything apart from your highest truth in full self-transparency is not an option.
Episode 54. 13 signs of spiritual maturity Part 5.
Triggers in the early days of your spiritual journey can be quite obvious to spot and can be easily traced back to some previous trauma. As your spiritual journey progresses it can be more challenging to find the subtle triggers that cause you to feel uneasy. Sometimes you will see them as a pattern stemming from a previous trauma that has largely been dealt with. At other times it can be the matrix being its sneaky self and trying to use your good nature to trick you into taking "righteous" action, thereby getting trapped in someone else's reality.
Taking a breath and scanning your body for where the physical and emotional responses are stemming from can help you to release the triggers and avoid the inevitable result of self-abandonment as you take external action to right a "wrong".
It can be that a trigger is a prompt to leave a relationship, job, or tribe. It is a sign that whilst you may have benefited from the relationship/tribe up to this point, it no longer serves either party for you to remain and so courage and conviction is required to move yourself out of the environment that is cause for agitation.
Treat these triggers as assaults on the innocence of your inner child. Sometimes you just need to nurture yourself and heal some trauma and sometimes you need to take external action that could be leaving the environment that is no longer resonant to your heart.
Episode 53. 13 signs of spiritual maturity Part 4.
Part 4. Being at home for yourself and not getting pulled into other people's realities. Other people's emotions and dramas can cause us to self-abandon and be with them in their stories. This causes us to leak energy and leak consciousness.
Being at home for ourselves and assisting those in need from a place of empowerment serves both parties much better. When we have a dysfunctional inner nurturer we tend to want to fix and save the world. We can see it as a noble cause because we see what people need or needs fixing. However, assisting from an empowered place allows you to follow the inspiration to help without losing yourself in the process.
An example is to throw a drowning person a life saver rather than jumping in with them. Your greatest gift to the world is to be the light for those around you by leading by example from a place of wholeness.
Weekly podcasts of spiritual guidance focusing on topics like metaphysics, mysticism, shamanism, energy healing, and how to apply these principles to the daily living of your spiritual journey.
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