Overloaded with... Everything? Disconnect to Reconnect
In this episode, Cheri Flake, the Stress Therapist, explores the challenges of living in an information-driven world. She discusses how overwhelming constant access to knowledge can be, especially in the age of social media and AI. Cheri reflects on her personal journey with technology, offering insights on how to protect our mental health by being mindful of the information we consume and the perspectives we choose to adopt.In this episode we will: ~Understand the Impact of Information Overload: We'll explore how the constant flow of information affects our stress levels and mental health.~Discuss How to Manage Technology and AI: Cheri will share tips on using technology wisely and finding balance in our digital lives.~Learn How to Choose What to Know: The episode encourages letting go of unnecessary knowledge, especially negative or fear-inducing information, to protect our well-being.Meditation Music byhttp://sonicyogi.comhttp://sonicyogi.comhttps://open.spotify.com/track/7lpLx4vtoQusvoqidRY6vN?si=0db8efd9082c40ebhttps://open.spotify.com/track/0Qotx90teY3iZ00PgUCwty?si=44a1c18c52e24e1fListen to Sonic Yogi on: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2xJT8mRbrqa7rTY6d4y5Fq?si=q2YYpPSzQOmu4R8-W4jkpw https://music.apple.com/us/artist/sonic-yogi/722350162https://amazon.com/music/player/artists/B00FQMVVIC/sonic-yogi?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&musicTerritory=US&ref=dm_sh_Y5q68A8LSQQGzl01PQC7Uaw6chttps://youtu.be/p2jtMEkdh6g?si=rVq-Q8o85mI75S4_INTERESTING MENTIONS:Bill O’Hanlon’s book Do One Thing Differenthttps://www.heartwood-retreats.com : location for Cheri’s Georgia Mountain Retreatshttps://www.jekyllisland.com: Location for Cheri’s seaside retreatThe Host for this podcast: Cheri Augustine Flake, LCSW The Stress Therapist and AuthorJoin Cheri Flake on her Next Meditation And Yoga Retreat!https://thestresstherapist.com/retreats/or https://thestresstherapist.com/beach-retreats/Love the show? Please rate and review us!Send some love bucks to the show:Paypal:
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If you live in Georgia gohttps://thestresstherapist.com/contact/ to schedule a free 15 minute consultationhttps://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15903117.Cheri_Augustine_Flakehttps://www.amazon.com/Honey-DONE-Productive-Household-Absolutely/dp/0997950919/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_bdcrb_top?ie=UTF8: Honey Do To Honey DONE! A Simple System For A Productive And Happy Household With Absolutely No More Nagging!A word from your host, Cheri Flake, LCSW: Feeling good after our Stress Therapy session? Awesome. Check out the show notes to connect with me, The Stress Therapist on social media or go tohttp://www.ilovetherapy.com/ to find out about meditation classes & meditation and yoga retreats.Transcript: [00:00] Stress Therapist: Hey, beautiful people, what's up? So all those encyclopedias, they're all at your fingertips now. If you want to know something, you don't have to argue about it over dinner all night.[00:09] You can simply find out and usually in a few seconds. It's crazy, but is it good for us? How can we manage this information age? All of this info? Do we need to know every **** thing?[00:23] Let's talk about it. So relax and settle in and listen up, because your stress therapy session is about to begin right now.[00:44] Hey, beautiful people, it's time for some stress therapy. A podcast about how to meditate and get better at stress for people living in the real world. Finally, a place to Park.[00:54] My 25 plus years of experience of working as a psychotherapist in the mental health field. And now your host, me, the stress therapist, Sheri Flake.[01:18] Hey, beautiful people, what's up? Okay, so I am a proudly Gen X person, okay? And I gotta tell you, it's been very interesting to be someone who had practically no technology whatsoever besides learning how to, like, work the hose.[01:34] I think I drove a car and, like, you know, I had to use my little push lawnmower. That was like the most technology that I used when I was little.[01:42] I did have a tape recorder machine that I really liked. You know, I made the mixtapes off the radio.[01:50] That really was about it. When I got older, I got really into, you know, microphones and singing and that type of thing to be in a band. And, you know, I kind of eased into having like a little synthesizer that I could record, but pretty much went from having no technology at all to every single thing you could possibly imagine.[02:07] And AI, which in and of itself is really kind of a super cool thing if you get to know it a little bit and see its limitations as well as its benefits.[02:18] But it's been interesting to watch this go down. Now my kids think I'm a boomer, which I am not. Okay? They say that just because I might not be as tech savvy heavy because I wasn't brought up on it, I wasn't born with it, right?[02:30] And I think we got to be careful with this, especially with our kids, because we don't really know what the ramifications are, it's going way faster than we are, right?[02:38] Our little bodies are, like, not catching up, and our brains are definitely don't know what to do with all this abundance of knowledge. So how can we protect ourselves? Like, yeah, when we're on the phone, we gotta watch the dopamine Hits and everything.[02:51] And we know that Instagram and all these social medias and Facebook and YouTube and all these places are really using these really sophisticated algorithms to steal our attention, to make us buy things, just to keep us on doing the same thing.[03:05] And I watch myself do it and I'll say to myself, oh, my gosh, I want to stop, you know, learning about this supplement, or I want to move on from how to decorate this type of table or whatever it is that I'm getting all wrapped up in.[03:20] And. And then I usually get stuck on comedies, right? Like, I'll sit and listen to comedians, and I just can't stop. Here comes the next joke. Here comes the next joke.[03:28] I totally get it. I don't think it has anything to do with us. I think it has to do with that they have figured out how the human brain works.[03:35] And, like, when I tell my kids, you know, you gotta be careful of this, I think they're like, well, I'm just like everybody else. And that's okay. I'm saying everybody else is falling victim to this screen scrolling and getting stuck there.[03:48] And it doesn't matter if you're aware of it logically, you're still kind of stuck in it. You know what I mean? And then there's the idea that if I want to know something, I can look it up immediately.[03:58] So, like, a long time ago, when I was trying to teach my kids about, you know, that ick feeling online, like, sometimes, you know, if you know you're going down a road where you might not want to see something, you can't unring that bell, right?[04:09] So one time I'm going to mention this here. I'm giving a trigger warning if you're afraid of spiders. Fast forward through this, okay? Like, I will make this less than a minute, but I saw a spider and I don't like spiders.[04:22] Spiders scare me, okay? It doesn't affect my life in a daily living. So I don't see it as, like, a simple phobia or anything. But I will try to avoid them.[04:29] Usually they gross me out. I saw a spider and it was really big and it was really scary and it was in a toilet. And I saw it on a Facebook feed where you could just, like, you go to Facebook and you can just scroll down and scroll down.[04:42] Now, since then, I've gotten Facebook Eradicator, which is this thing on your laptop where when you go to Facebook, all that comes up is like a quote from Jesus or the Buddha or something like that.[04:52] So you're not Getting stuck there, right? You have to go to someone's page if you want to see it. You can still see everything you