Episode 148: 10 Hacks to Write FASTER in Less Time
Are you ready to write faster than you ever have? Ready to charge into your writing projects with reckless creativity and write more words than you thought possible? In today's podcast, Kate and I will share our top 10 unique writing hacks for getting more words on the page FASTER (without rushing!) Grab a notebook and get ready to be inspired. Let's go!
WATCH THE MUSE CHALLENGE SUMMIT REPLAY: https://www.patreon.com/posts/your-time-to-119319412
🖥️TAKE MY SCRIVENER MASTERCLASS: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/teachmescrivener
💵GET 20% OFF SCRIVENER - USE CODE "ABBIE" → https://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener-affiliate.html?fpr=abbie26
Subscribe for more episodes of #TheKateAndAbbieShow! Make Your Story Matter™ and make your author dreams come true… new videos every Wednesday.
✨ V A L U A B L E R E S O U R C E S✨
❤️GET BONUS CONTENT + SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL: https://www.patreon.com/abbieemmons
📚READ MY BOOKS: https://amzn.to/3Ivk0Gr
✏️TAKE MY EDITING MASTERCLASS: https://www.learnfromabbie.com/p/edit-your-book-like-a-pro
💬TAKE MY BOOK BLURB MASTERCLASS: https://www.learnfromabbie.com/p/how-to-craft-a-bestseller-book-blurb
📓GET MY FREE WRITING TEMPLATES: https://abbieemmons.ck.page/make-your-story-matter
🎤LISTEN TO MY PODCAST WITH MY SISTER: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kate-and-abbie-show
🎥 MY GEAR + WRITING TOOLS: https://abbieemmonsauthor.com/my-gear
🎵 I GET ALL MY MUSIC FROM EPIDEMIC SOUND… CLAIM YOUR 60-DAY FREE TRIAL HERE: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/v02bl3/
Episode 147: How to Write MORE Words FASTER in 2025
Whether you're embarking on a New Year's goal or you're getting ready to tackle a big writing project whose time has come, Abbie and I are here to share with you our secrets for writing the book of your dreams FAST. We believe that writing a book doesn't have to be a never-ending project or a pipe dream; in fact, it can be something that you finish within 1-3 months. It's time to STOP putting your writing dreams on hold... and dive in! Let's go!
Episode 146: How to Build a WRITING HABIT with NaNoWriMo
Do you struggle to commit to creative time every day? Are you ready to build a writing habit that lasts long after NaNoWriMo ends? In today's podcast, we're sharing our best advice for creating a bulletproof writing habit that sticks. So if you've been struggling to show up for your book, this episode will give you the tools you need to make writing a daily habit. Grab a notebook and let's get started!
✨ Get 30% OFF The Writer's Wellness Journey when you purchase with full payment. USE CODE: NANO2024 at checkout. Get access here: https://kaemmons.teachable.com/p/wellness-for-writers
🌿 Enroll in Kate's incredible platform for creatives, Rewildest Life here: https://rewildestlife.com/
Subscribe for more episodes of #TheKateAndAbbieShow! Make Your Story Matter™ and make your author dreams come true… new videos every Wednesday.
✨ V A L U A B L E R E S O U R C E S✨
❤️SUPPORT THE KATE AND ABBIE SHOW: https://www.patreon.com/thekateandabbieshow
📚READ ABBIE'S BOOKS: https://amzn.to/3Ivk0Gr
📚READ KATE'S BOOKS: https://amzn.to/3WKDP4D
🖥️TAKE MY SCRIVENER MASTERCLASS: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/teachmescrivener
✏️TAKE MY EDITING MASTERCLASS: https://www.learnfromabbie.com/p/edit-your-book-like-a-pro
💬TAKE MY BOOK BLURB MASTERCLASS: https://www.learnfromabbie.com/p/how-to-craft-a-bestseller-book-blurb
📓GET MY FREE WRITING TEMPLATES: https://abbieemmons.ck.page/make-your-story-matter
💵GET 20% OFF SCRIVENER - USE CODE "ABBIE" → https://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener-affiliate.html?fpr=abbie26
🎤LISTEN TO MY PODCAST WITH MY SISTER: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kate-and-abbie-show
🎥 MY GEAR + WRITING TOOLS: https://abbieemmonsauthor.com/my-gear
🎵 I GET ALL MY MUSIC FROM EPIDEMIC SOUND… CLAIM YOUR 60-DAY FREE TRIAL HERE: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/v02bl3/
Episode 145: How to Prepare to Write a Novel for NaNoWriMo 2024
Writing a novel (or 50k words) in one month comes with unique challenges. Whether you're embarking on the adventure of tackling NaNoWriMo 2024 or simply starting a new literary endeavor, we're here to help you prepare yourself to write your best novel. We will cut through the clutter and overwhelm and focus on the FEW vital things that will help you write more words this November. So grab a notebook and a cup of coffee, and let's get into it!
✨ Get 30% OFF The Writer's Wellness Journey when you purchase with full payment. USE CODE: NANO2024 at checkout. Get access here: https://kaemmons.teachable.com/p/wellness-for-writers
🌿 Enroll in Kate's incredible platform for creatives, Rewildest Life here: https://rewildestlife.com/
Subscribe for more episodes of #TheKateAndAbbieShow! Make Your Story Matter™ and make your author dreams come true… new videos every Wednesday.
✨ V A L U A B L E R E S O U R C E S✨
❤️SUPPORT THE KATE AND ABBIE SHOW: https://www.patreon.com/thekateandabbieshow
📚READ ABBIE'S BOOKS: https://amzn.to/3Ivk0Gr
📚READ KATE'S BOOKS: https://amzn.to/3WKDP4D
🖥️TAKE MY SCRIVENER MASTERCLASS: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/teachmescrivener
✏️TAKE MY EDITING MASTERCLASS: https://www.learnfromabbie.com/p/edit-your-book-like-a-pro
💬TAKE MY BOOK BLURB MASTERCLASS: https://www.learnfromabbie.com/p/how-to-craft-a-bestseller-book-blurb
📓GET MY FREE WRITING TEMPLATES: https://abbieemmons.ck.page/make-your-story-matter
💵GET 20% OFF SCRIVENER - USE CODE "ABBIE" → https://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener-affiliate.html?fpr=abbie26
🎤LISTEN TO MY PODCAST WITH MY SISTER: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kate-and-abbie-show
🎥 MY GEAR + WRITING TOOLS: https://abbieemmonsauthor.com/my-gear
🎵 I GET ALL MY MUSIC FROM EPIDEMIC SOUND… CLAIM YOUR 60-DAY FREE TRIAL HERE: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/v02bl3/
Episode 144: How to Make INSTA-LOVE Just as Swoonworthy as Slow Burn Romance 😍
Is it possible to write "insta-love" romance that actually feels believable and earned? That's the big question we're tackling in today's podcast. We'll explore six powerful tried-and-true methods for making your couple's relationship feel well-developed and compelling, even if you're working with a short timeline for your story. So, if you need two characters to fall in love quickly... this episode is for you.
Buying our books is the best way to support us as artists!
📚 KATE’S BOOKS: https://amzn.to/3YOkP6s
📚ABBIE’S BOOKS: https://amzn.to/3Ivk0Gr
➡️ Join the Patreon and get access to exclusive live hangout sessions: https://www.patreon.com/thekateandabbieshow/
Like this episode? Give us a thumbs up, subscribe, and tell us what you thought.
Kate's 7-Day Meditative Journey for Writers: https://kaemmons.teachable.com/p/writers-reset-7-day-meditative-journey
✏️TAKE ABBIE'S SCRIVENER MASTERCLASS: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/teachmescrivener
💻GET 20% OFF SCRIVENER - USE CODE "ABBIE" → https://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener-affiliate.html?fpr=abbie26
GET ABBIE'S SCRIVENER THEMES: https://makeyourstorymatter.teachable.com/p/pack-of-7-custom-scrivener-themes/
Connect with Kate on Instagram (@lonehawkwriter)
Connect with Abbie on Instagram (@makeyourstorymatter)