放下工作,放鬆心情,在「無瑣事事務所」中有 Ivan 和 Melody 兩位建築設計師用聲音帶你輕鬆遊歷建築, 設計, 電影等等各種未知領域。-The 'Nothing Much Office' is a podcast co-hosted by two Hong Kongers Ivan and Melody. We...
放下工作,放鬆心情,在「無瑣事事務所」中有 Ivan 和 Melody 兩位建築設計師用聲音帶你輕鬆遊歷建築, 設計, 電影等等各種未知領域。-The 'Nothing Much Office' is a podcast co-hosted by two Hong Kongers Ivan and Melody. We are two architectural designers that share wide interests in the world of art and design, and we are here to share our new finds, thoughts, and stories on architecture, movies, crafts, and so on!Therefore feel free to grab a seat, make yourself a cup of tea, and ... enjoy!-Follow us on Instagram: Nothing.much.officeSay hi !!!!-#podcast #podcasthk #hongkongpodcast #廣東話 #廣東話podcast #香港人 #香港 #香港創作 #藝術 #architecture #建築 #香港podcast