Discussion podcast for Irish language learners. Bitesize Irish offers self-paced Irish language learning courses, and a private online community including regul...
Podcast 179: Crossing the language barrrier & Deireadh ré
In the final episode of the Bitesize Irish Podcast, Emma speaks to a Breton learner of Irish, Patricia, and Niall wraps up with hope for the future of the language.Support the showGo to www.bitesize.irish/links to find out more about courses and membership #GaeilgeGachLá
Podcast 178: Seachtain na Gaeilge, le hOrlaith Nic Ghearailt
In this episode, Niall talks to Orlaith Nic Ghearailt, manager of Seachtain na Gaeilge, the biggest Irish-language festival in the world, which runs 1-17 March every year.They talk about Conradh na Gaeilge, the festival's origins, and how you can get involved.A few useful links:Conradh na GaeilgeSeachtain na Gaeilge - further infoSeachtain na Gaeilge 2025 - events this yearSee shownotes and original video at: https://www.bitesize.irish/blog/snag-25/Go to offer.irish for a 10% discount from monthly/annual memberships.Support the showGo to www.bitesize.irish/links to find out more about courses and membership #GaeilgeGachLá
Podcast 177: Twice Removed - Member Interview with Sandra
In this Agallamh Baill, Emma talks to Grow member Sandra about her experiences with Irish language and identity as she grew up in England and Ireland and later moved away again as an adult.Read shownotes and watch original video at https://www.bitesize.irish/blog/do-you-really-know-the-irish-interview-with-sandra/Go to offer.irish for 10% off membership of Bitesize Irish.Support the showGo to www.bitesize.irish/links to find out more about courses and membership #GaeilgeGachLá
Podcast 176: Love Letters (Grá agus Gaeilge)
In time for Lá Fhéile Vailintín, Niall and Emma discuss Irish language terms of endearment along with proverbs, poems, songs and stories relating to love.See shownotes and original video at: https://www.bitesize.irish/blog/love-letters/Get 10% off membership at: offer.irishSupport the showGo to www.bitesize.irish/links to find out more about courses and membership #GaeilgeGachLá
Podcast 175: All about Bríd with Dr Niamh Wycherley
Beannachtaí na Féile Bríde oraibh!The Bitesize Irish podcast is back with a special discussion about St Brigid and her influence on Irish life with Dr Niamh Wycherley of Maynooth University.Niamh is host of the excellent Medieval Irish History Podcast.See shownotes and original video at: https://www.bitesize.irish/blog/all-about-brid/Check out all the seasonal material on our blog here: https://www.bitesize.irish/seasonal/Get 10% off membership at: offer.irishSupport the showGo to www.bitesize.irish/links to find out more about courses and membership #GaeilgeGachLá
Discussion podcast for Irish language learners. Bitesize Irish offers self-paced Irish language learning courses, and a private online community including regular conversation practice calls. Based in Limerick, Ireland, since 2010.