Eric Hates Dragon Ball Z is a DBZ rewatch podcast where hosts John and Spencer undertake the impossible task of converting their friend Eric into becoming a fan...
John and Spencer Have No Idea Why Gas No Work (DBS Episodes 56-58)
Some stuff happens in the future that really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, so let's check out a chunk of episodes where our heroes end up exactly where they started! (Goku and the gang, not John and Spencer. Those dudes are still evolving every day.)
John Demonstrates His Superior Pirate Impression (DBS Episodes 53-55)
Hey who is this Goku Black fella, anyway? The pieces start falling into place as some of our heroes (and Goku, for some reason) investigate! Meanwhile, other stuff happens too!
Spencer Becomes The First Victim of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Broly (DBS Episodes 50-52)
We're back with more Goku Black! Time travel and character drama abounds in these three episodes that probably aren't for everyone. But they're soooo good!
Super Bonus 8 - The First Annual High-Stakes Dragon Ball Quiz Show, Hosted by Eric and AI!
We're in Vegas celebrating Spencer's birthday, so what the heck, let's do a quiz show. It's John vs Spencer in a fiece competition of Dragon Ball knowledge, both true and fictional! Let's go!
John and Spencer Obsess Over the Time Ring (DBS Episode 47-49)
Whoa, time travel? That's right! It's time for the return of a beloved character, a post apocalyptic wasteland, and needlessly picking apart plots and logic in an ill-fated attempt to digest that which is the new saga of Dragon Ball Super. Enjoy!
Eric Hates Dragon Ball Z is a DBZ rewatch podcast where hosts John and Spencer undertake the impossible task of converting their friend Eric into becoming a fan of Dragon Ball Z.
Join them as they review and discuss five episodes at a time, leading up to a retelling of the bonkers DBZ story to Eric at the end of every saga.