13 - Is Baptiste Yoga a 'System of Control'? w/ Rachel Bernstein from IndoctriNATION Podcast
We are thrilled to give you this episode with Rachel Bernstein! Bernstein is a therapist in LA specializing in cult recovery and has worked With India Oxenberg in her healing from the NXIVM cult as well as her mother, Catherine Oxenberg. Her popular podcast, IndoctriNATION has had over 900K listens from all over the world and features regular people who are healing from cults, high control groups and narcissistic relationships. Join us in the conversation as Bernstein helps us to understand how Baptiste Yoga is a system of control and what steps to take to heal from the influence so we don't join another culty group or relationship again.
Rachel Bernstein, MSed, LMFT, has been working with former cult members for nearly 30 years. She is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and Educator, who lives in Los Angeles, CA. She has been a member of ICSA for many years and has presented talks and moderated panels at ICSA conferences. Rachel previously ran the Maynard Bernstein Resource Center on cults, named after her father. She was the Clinician at the former Cult Clinic in Los Angeles, as well as the Cult Hotline and Clinic in Manhattan. She now treats former cult members and the families and friends of those in cults in her private practice. Rachel has facilitated numerous support groups for former cult members, for people who were in one-on-one cults, and for the families of those in cults. Rachel has published many articles, made media appearances, consulted on shows and movies about cults, and has been interviewed for podcasts and YouTube videos. Rachel is the host of her weekly Podcast, "IndoctriNation," about breaking free from systems of control. RachelBernsteinTherapy.com,
[email protected] 818-907-0036
***The views and opinions expressed on Journey Into Yoga Cults are just that: views and opinions; and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the podcast or the hosts. Stories told by hosts and guests are their own personal experiences, viewpoints and perspective. Any content provided by our hosts, guests, sponsors or authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, group, club, organization, institution, corporation, business, individual, anyone or anything.*** (thank you @alittlebitculty for letting us borrow your very awesome legal disclaimer)