Learn Spanish, step by step! LearnCraft Spanish is a proven system that will teach you how to learn Spanish fluently, from the ground up. Starting with a founda...
Today we’re going to learn some new nouns for household items, including the words for “home”, “furniture”, “refrigerator”, and “kitchen”. We’ll also get some spoken practice quizzing with these new words in lots of different contexts. Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/249.
248: Limpio, sucio, mojado, seco
Today we’ll learn a bunch of new Spanish adjectives, including the words for “clean”, “dirty”, “wet”, “dry”, “cold”, and “hot”. Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/248.
247: Desayunar, Almorzar, Cenar, Viajar.
Why does Spanish have so many different verbs for eating? Today we’ll talk about “having breakfast”, “having lunch”, and “having dinner” in Spanish. We’ll also explore the verb Viajar, which means “to travel”, and we’ll get lots of spoken practice using these verbs in real sentence contexts. Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/247.
246: Leer, Escribir, Aprender
Let’s learn some Spanish verbs related to reading, writing, and learning! We’ll explore the verbs Leer, Escribir, and Aprender, in a wide variety of uses. Practice along out loud! Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/246
245: Practice Existir and Olvidar
Let’s get lots of spoken practice with verbs Existir, Extrañar, Soñar, Olvidar, Despertar, and Alegrar, as well as our new nouns, numbers, and everything else we’ve learned this week. Predict the Spanish and speak out loud! Practice all of today’s Spanish for free at LCSPodcast.com/245.
Learn Spanish, step by step! LearnCraft Spanish is a proven system that will teach you how to learn Spanish fluently, from the ground up. Starting with a foundation of core Spanish grammar and the most common Spanish vocabulary, Timothy will guide you through the essential steps to speaking and understanding fluent Spanish like a native speaker. If you're a serious Spanish learner and you want to make deep, personal connections with the native Spanish speakers in your life, the LearnCraft Spanish podcast is for you. Join us on a rigorous, fulfilling journey to Spanish fluency.