Join the hosts of New Humanists and founders of the Ancient Language Institute, Jonathan Roberts and Ryan Hammill, on their quest to discover what a renewed hum...
The Declines and Falls of Classical Education | Episode LXXXIII
Send us a textClassical education has declined and fallen before - as the Roman Empire succumbed to internal weakness and external threats, so did its bilingual educational regime. Humanists in the Renaissance revived the ancient world's Greek and Latin literary paideia, or at least created a new system of education modelled on it, which flourished for centuries, well into the modern era. But it fell apart once again after the catastrophe of the First World War. In Chapter Two of Climbing Parnassus, Tracy Lee Simmons give an account of classical education's many lives.Tracy Lee Simmons' Climbing Parnassus:'s Pro Archia Poeta: Henry Newman's The Idea of a University: Meadowcroft's Classical Education's Aristocracy of Anyone: Sider's Greek Verse on a Vase by Douris: Humanists is brought to you by the Ancient Language Institute: may have referral codes, which earn us a commission at no additional cost to you. We encourage you, when possible, to use for your book purchases, an online bookstore which supports local bookstores.Music: Save Us Now by Shane Ivers -
Will Classical Schools Climb Parnassus? | Episode LXXXII
Send us a textA truly classical education is centered on the study of the Classics: the ancient languages and literatures of Greece and Rome. The adjective "classical" is thus a misnomer for a school that strays promiscuously from the true Classics into the "Great Books" or the "Great Tradition." So argues Tracy Lee Simmons in his landmark book, Climbing Parnassus. Jonathan and Ryan dive into Simmons' book and debate whether classical education is, as he says, a lost cause.Tracy Lee Simmons' Climbing Parnassus: Meadowcroft's Classical Education's Aristocracy of Anyone: Winthrop's A Model of Christian Charity: Humanists is brought to you by the Ancient Language Institute: may have referral codes, which earn us a commission at no additional cost to you. We encourage you, when possible, to use for your book purchases, an online bookstore which supports local bookstores.Music: Save Us Now by Shane Ivers -
"The Church Is Like the Ancient Roman State" | Episode LXXXI
Send us a textThe Renaissance humanist Biondo Flavio dedicated his massive book Roma Triumphans, a historical investigation of what made Rome great, to his fellow humanist Pope Pius II. He contended that central to the story of Roman greatness was Roman religion, and that the Roman Catholic Church was the heir of the Roman Empire, correcting its faults even as it carried its legacy into the modern world. As James Hankins discusses in Virtue Politics, the main policy position that Biondo advocated for, in order for Europe to recapture the spirit of ancient Rome, was a renewal of the Crusades, so that the dominion of the Catholic Church could encompass the territory of the Roman Empire.James Hankins' Virtue Politics: Humanists episode on Irving Babbitt, feat. Eric Adler: Flavio's Roma Triumphans: Deneen's Why Liberalism Failed: Humanists is brought to you by the Ancient Language Institute: may have referral codes, which earn us a commission at no additional cost to you. We encourage you, when possible, to use for your book purchases, an online bookstore which supports local bookstores.Music: Save Us Now by Shane Ivers -
What the Modern World Lost | Episode LXXX
Send us a textRepresentative government, freedom of religion, the right to privacy - these are just some of the liberties of the modern world which we cherish. But at what cost? After the French Revolution and the subsequent rise and fall of Napoleon, the French classical liberal Benjamin Constant undertook an examination of ancient liberty as compared to modern liberty, in a bid to defend the modern liberal project against its detractors. But Constant is honest about the downsides of the modern liberal regime, and explains what rights and powers from the ancient world modern men can no longer exercise.Benjamin Constant's The Liberty of Ancients Compared with that of Moderns: Rousseau's The Social Contract:' The Peloponnesian War:' Histories:'s The Red and the Black: Caesar's The Gallic War: Humanists is brought to you by the Ancient Language Institute: may have referral codes, which earn us a commission at no additional cost to you. We encourage you, when possible, to use for your book purchases, an online bookstore which supports local bookstores.Music: Save Us Now by Shane Ivers -
A Great Books Monastery | Episode LXXIX
Send us a textWhen civilization is crashing down all around you, what do you do? Retreat to the hills, build a monastery, and preserve what you can. That is exactly what Cassiodorus did in the 6th century when he founded the Vivarium, an Italian monastery dedicated to copying, emending, and preserving the classics of Greek and Roman literature. In this episode, Jonathan and Ryan take a look at the proposed curriculum and list of great books and authors that Cassiodorus recommended for his students.Richard M. Gamble's The Great Tradition: of Saint Benedict:' Life of Anthony:'s Georgics: Humanists is brought to you by the Ancient Language Institute: may have referral codes, which earn us a commission at no additional cost to you. We encourage you, when possible, to use for your book purchases, an online bookstore which supports local bookstores.Music: Save Us Now by Shane Ivers -
Join the hosts of New Humanists and founders of the Ancient Language Institute, Jonathan Roberts and Ryan Hammill, on their quest to discover what a renewed humanism looks like for the modern world. The Ancient Language Institute is an online language school and think tank, dedicated to changing the way ancient languages are taught.