📖 📚Welcome to Story Warz: A Game of Deceptive Storytelling. Comedians Big Jay Oakerson & Luis J. Gomez face off with some of the biggest names in comedy and e...
Comedians Vinny Guadagnino, Krystyna Hutchinson, & Sienna Hubert-Ross go head-to-head with Big Jay Oakerson and Luis J. Gomez in a "clubbing" themed episode of Story Warz! Who went with E from Entourage to Leonardo DiCaprio's birthday party? Who joined a club just to be closer to their attractive English teacher? Who got roofied at a nightclub? Find out all this and plenty more, all on Story Warz!Original Air Date: 02/03/25Support our sponsors!Go to Lucy.co/WARZ & use code WARZ for 20% off your first order w FREE SHIPPING!Head to CornbreadHemp.com/WARZ and use code WARZ for up to 30% off your first order!Visit Mando.com and use promo code WARZ for $5 off your starter pack!Check out YoKratom.com, home of the $60 KILO!__________🔴ALL NEW EPISODES every Monday at 8 PM E only at gasdigital.com/LIVECreate a GaS Digital profile w/ promo code WAR and get discounted access to our massive library of on-demand shows and exclusive live streams (including Legion of Skanks & Real Ass Podcast) days before YouTube, and interact with other fans in the live chat!If you’re NOT a GaS Digital member, you can catch the YouTube Premiere the following THURSDAY at 8pm EST on iTunes, YouTube, & everywhere you find podcasts!__________Story Warz is LIVE every Wednesday🎟️ at thestandnyc.com__________🎙️ LIVE Dates!https://bigjaycomedy.comhttps://luisofskanks.comhttps://www.krystynahutchinson.com/https://linktr.ee/siennahubertross__________📱SOCIAL MEDIAStory Warzhttp://youtube.com/@storywarzhttp://instagram.com/storywarzhttp://x.com/storywarzBig Jay Oakersonhttp://youtube.com/@bigjayoakersonhttp://instagram.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://x.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://tiktok.com/@bigjayoakersonLuis J Gomezhttp://youtube.com/@luisjgomezcomedyhttp://instagram.com/gomezcomedyhttp://x.com/luisjgomezVinny Guadagninohttps://www.youtube.com/@VINNYGUADAGNINOhttps://www.instagram.com/vinnyguadagnino/https://x.com/vinnyguadagninohttps://www.tiktok.com/@vinnyguadagninoKrystyna Hutchinsonhttps://www.youtube.com/@KrystynaHutchhttps://www.instagram.com/krystynahutch/https://x.com/KrystynaHutchhttps://www.tiktok.com/@krystynahutchSienna Hubert-Rosshttps://www.youtube.com/@siennahubertrosshttps://www.instagram.com/siennahubertross/https://x.com/siennahubertroshttps://www.tiktok.com/@siennahubertrossGaS Digital http://youtube.com/@gasdigitalnetwork http://instagram.com/gasdigitalhttp://x.com/gasdigitalSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
026. H. Foley, Colum Tyrrell, & Josh Adam Meyers | Birthdays
Comedians H. Foley, Colum Tyrrell, & Josh Adam Meyers join Big Jay Oakerson & Luis J. Gomez for a Birthday themed episode of Story Warz! Who threw a birthday cake at a magician? Who stole a birthday present back before regifting it to another friend? And who was sad when they didn't get the cowboy boots they were promised as a present? Find out all this and plenty more, all on this week's episode of Story Warz!Original Air Date: 01/27/25Support our sponsors!Go to TurtleBeach.com and use promo code WARZ for 10% off!Visit Mando.com and use promo code WARZ for $5 off your starter pack!Check out YoKratom.com, home of the $60 KILO!__________🔴ALL NEW EPISODES every Monday at 8 PM E only at gasdigital.com/LIVECreate a GaS Digital profile w/ promo code WAR and get discounted access to our massive library of on-demand shows and exclusive live streams (including Legion of Skanks & Real Ass Podcast) days before YouTube, and interact with other fans in the live chat!If you’re NOT a GaS Digital member, you can catch the YouTube Premiere the following THURSDAY at 8pm EST on iTunes, YouTube, & everywhere you find podcasts!__________Story Warz is LIVE every Wednesday🎟️ at thestandnyc.com__________🎙️ LIVE Dates!https://bigjaycomedy.comhttps://luisofskanks.comhttps://areyougarbage.com/https://linktr.ee/columtyrrellhttps://www.joshadammeyers.com/__________📱SOCIAL MEDIAStory Warzhttp://youtube.com/@storywarzhttp://instagram.com/storywarzhttp://x.com/storywarzBig Jay Oakersonhttp://youtube.com/@bigjayoakersonhttp://instagram.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://x.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://tiktok.com/@bigjayoakersonLuis J Gomezhttp://youtube.com/@luisjgomezcomedyhttp://instagram.com/gomezcomedyhttp://x.com/luisjgomezH. Foley https://www.youtube.com/@AreYouGarbagehttps://www.instagram.com/hfoleycomedy/https://x.com/hfoleycomedyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@hfoleycomedyColum Tyrrellhttps://www.youtube.com/@columtyrrellhttps://www.instagram.com/columtyrrell/https://x.com/ColumTyrrellhttps://www.tiktok.com/@columtyrrellJosh Adam Meyershttps://www.instagram.com/joshadammeyers/https://x.com/JoshAdamMeyershttps://www.tiktok.com/@joshadammeyersGaS Digital http://youtube.com/@gasdigitalnetwork http://instagram.com/gasdigitalhttp://x.com/gasdigitalSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
025. Dan Soder, Joe List , & Robert Kelly | Embarrassment
Comedians Dan Soder, Joe List, and Robert Kelly from The REGZ Podcast join Big Jay Oakerson & Luis . Gomez in an "Embarrassment" themed episode of STORY WARZ! Which comedian used to listen to MLK speeches while driving? Who tried using a balloon as a condom? And who set themself on fire in public by accident? Find out all this and plenty more, only on STORY WARZ! Original Air Date: 01/20/25Support our sponsors!Go to TurtleBeach.com and use promo code WARZ for 10% off!Visit Mando.com and use promo code WARZ for $5 off your starter pack!Check out YoKratom.com, home of the $60 KILO!__________🔴ALL NEW EPISODES every Monday at 8 PM E only at gasdigital.com/LIVECreate a GaS Digital profile w/ promo code WAR and get discounted access to our massive library of on-demand shows and exclusive live streams (including Legion of Skanks & Real Ass Podcast) days before YouTube, and interact with other fans in the live chat!If you’re NOT a GaS Digital member, you can catch the YouTube Premiere the following THURSDAY at 8pm EST on iTunes, YouTube, & everywhere you find podcasts!__________Story Warz is LIVE every Wednesday🎟️ at thestandnyc.com__________🎙️ LIVE Dates!https://bigjaycomedy.comhttps://luisofskanks.comhttps://www.dansoder.com/https://www.comedianjoelist.com/https://robertkellylive.com/__________📱SOCIAL MEDIAStory Warzhttp://youtube.com/@storywarzhttp://instagram.com/storywarzhttp://x.com/storywarzBig Jay Oakersonhttp://youtube.com/@bigjayoakersonhttp://instagram.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://x.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://tiktok.com/@bigjayoakersonLuis J Gomezhttp://youtube.com/@luisjgomezcomedyhttp://instagram.com/gomezcomedyhttp://x.com/luisjgomezDan Soderhttps://www.youtube.com/@DanSoderhttps://www.instagram.com/dansoder/https://x.com/DanSoderhttps://www.tiktok.com/@DanSoderComedyJoe Listhttps://www.youtube.com/@JoeListComedyhttps://www.instagram.com/joelistcomedy/https://x.com/JoeListComedyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@joelistcomedyRobert Kellyhttps://www.youtube.com/@ykwdpodcasthttps://www.instagram.com/robertkellylive/https://x.com/robertkellyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@robertkellycomedyGaS Digital http://youtube.com/@gasdigitalnetwork http://instagram.com/gasdigitalhttp://x.com/gasdigitalSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
024. Dave Attell, Adam Friedland, & Yannis Pappas | Broken Things
Comedians Dave Attell, Adam Friedland, & Yannis Pappas go head-to-head with Big Jay Oakerson and Luis J. Gomez in an episode of Story Warz centered around all that is broken. Who broke their mother's coffee table doing martial arts in the living room? Who fixed their dog's bad behavior with the tip of their finger? And who caused damage to six cars while operating a U-Haul? Find out the answers to all this and more, all on this week's episode of STORY WARZ! Original Air Date: 01/13/25Support our sponsors!Go to TurtleBeach.com and use promo code WARZ for 10% off!Visit Mando.com and use promo code WARZ for $5 off your starter pack!Head to VIIAHemp.com and use promo code WARZ for 15% off your order!__________🔴ALL NEW EPISODES every Monday at 8 PM E only at gasdigital.com/LIVECreate a GaS Digital profile w/ promo code WAR and get discounted access to our massive library of on-demand shows and exclusive live streams (including Legion of Skanks & Real Ass Podcast) days before YouTube, and interact with other fans in the live chat!If you’re NOT a GaS Digital member, you can catch the YouTube Premiere the following THURSDAY at 8pm EST on iTunes, YouTube, & everywhere you find podcasts!__________Story Warz is LIVE every Wednesday🎟️ at thestandnyc.com__________🎙️ LIVE Dates!https://bigjaycomedy.comhttps://luisofskanks.comhttps://daveattell.com/https://www.adamfriedland.com/https://www.yannispappascomedy.com/__________📱SOCIAL MEDIAStory Warzhttp://youtube.com/@storywarzhttp://instagram.com/storywarzhttp://x.com/storywarzBig Jay Oakersonhttp://youtube.com/@bigjayoakersonhttp://instagram.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://x.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://tiktok.com/@bigjayoakersonLuis J Gomezhttp://youtube.com/@luisjgomezcomedyhttp://instagram.com/gomezcomedyhttp://x.com/luisjgomezDave Attellhttp://instagram.com/daveattellhttps://x.com/attellhttps://www.tiktok.com/@daveattellAdam Friedlandhttps://www.youtube.com/@TheAdamFriedlandShowhttp://instagram.com/adamfriedlandhttps://x.com/adamfriedlandhttps://www.tiktok.com/@adamfriedlandYannis Pappashttps://www.youtube.com/@Yannispappascomedianhttp://instagram.com/yannispappashttps://x.com/yannispappashttps://www.tiktok.com/@yannispappasGaS Digital http://youtube.com/@gasdigitalnetwork http://instagram.com/gasdigitalhttp://x.com/gasdigitalSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
023. Ari Shaffir, Aaron Berg, & Chris Faga | New Beginnings
Comedians Ari Shaffir, Aaron Berg, & Chris Faga go head-to-head with Big Jay Oakerson & Luis J. Gomez in a Story Warz battle centered around "New Beginnings!" Who moved to a new city to sleep with a black woman? Who ruined a party by eating too much red velvet cake? And who was once falsely accused of setting someone on fire? Find out all this and plenty more, all on this week's episode of STORY WARZ!Original Air Date: 01/06/24Support our sponsors!Go to TurtleBeach.com and use promo code WARZ for 10% off!Visit Mando.com and use promo code WARZ for $5 off your starter pack!Head to VIIAHemp.com and use promo code WARZ for 15% off your order!__________🔴ALL NEW EPISODES every Monday at 8 PM E only at gasdigital.com/LIVECreate a GaS Digital profile w/ promo code WAR and get discounted access to our massive library of on-demand shows and exclusive live streams (including Legion of Skanks & Real Ass Podcast) days before YouTube, and interact with other fans in the live chat!If you’re NOT a GaS Digital member, you can catch the YouTube Premiere the following THURSDAY at 8pm EST on iTunes, YouTube, & everywhere you find podcasts!__________Story Warz is LIVE every Wednesday🎟️ at thestandnyc.com__________🎙️ LIVE Dates!https://bigjaycomedy.comhttps://luisofskanks.comhttps://www.arishaffir.com/https://aaronberg.com/__________📱SOCIAL MEDIAStory Warzhttp://youtube.com/@storywarzhttp://instagram.com/storywarzhttp://x.com/storywarzBig Jay Oakersonhttp://youtube.com/@bigjayoakersonhttp://instagram.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://x.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://tiktok.com/@bigjayoakersonLuis J Gomezhttp://youtube.com/@luisjgomezcomedyhttp://instagram.com/gomezcomedyhttp://x.com/luisjgomezAri Shaffirhttps://www.youtube.com/@arishaffirhttp://instagram.com/arishaffirAaron Berghttps://www.youtube.com/@aaronbergcomedyhttp://instagram.com/aaronbergcomedyhttps://x.com/aaronbergcomedyChris Fagahttps://www.youtube.com/@HighSocietyRadioPodcasthttp://instagram.com/chrisfrombklynhttps://x.com/chrisfrombklynhttps://www.tiktok.com/@chrisfrombrooklynGaS Digital http://youtube.com/@gasdigitalnetwork http://instagram.com/gasdigitalhttp://x.com/gasdigitalSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
📖 📚Welcome to Story Warz: A Game of Deceptive Storytelling. Comedians Big Jay Oakerson & Luis J. Gomez face off with some of the biggest names in comedy and entertainment for this hilarious game of wits and deception… LIVE from The Stand Comedy Club in New York City!