A conversation about the Irish language and its history for anyone curious about their relationship with it and its role in our identity.
From real life storie...
#24 Scríbhneoirí na Gaelainne Nua - A Conversation with Éilis Neary
To learn more and for all show notes go to - https://thelanguagequestion.com/episode-24-scribhneoiri-na-gaelainne-nua-a-conversation-with-eilis-neary/
#23 The Power of Individual Action - A Conversation with Derek Hollingsworth
To learn more and for all show notes go to - https://thelanguagequestion.com/episode-23-the-power-of-individual-action-a-conversation-with-derek-hollingsworth/
#22 An Calafóirneach Gaelach - A Conversation with Séathrún Sardina
To learn more and for all show notes go to - https://thelanguagequestion.com/episode-22-an-calafoirneach-gaelach-a-conversation-with-seathrun-sardina
#21 Banríon an Ghrinn - A Conversation with Áine Gallagher
To learn more and for all show notes go to - https://thelanguagequestion.com/episode-21-banrion-an-ghrinn-a-conversation-with-aine-gallagher
#20 An Gaeilgeoir Ar Líne - The Online Gaeilgeoir: A Conversation with Mollie Guidera
To learn more and for all show notes go to - https://thelanguagequestion.com/episode-20-an-gaeilgeoir-ar-line-the-online-gaeilgeoir-a-conversation-with-mollie-guidera
A conversation about the Irish language and its history for anyone curious about their relationship with it and its role in our identity.
From real life stories and experiences, to historical insights and thought-provoking theories, the podcast takes listeners on a culture rich journey through the evolution of the Irish Language.
Visit the official website at - https://thelanguagequestion.com