How can you be better than the best in the business? Well, for a start, innovation!
On Beyond the Best, Nick and Toby, two seasoned innovation experts from Ni...
Claims are possibly the most important part of insurance for a customer, so how do you make sure you're not just meeting but exceeding expectations?
With carriers trying to get claims right for decades, we think that Kita, the carbon insurance specialist, have developed a claims experience which is pretty close to being one of the best in the business.
Nick and Toby discuss what Kita are doing, what other insurance companies might learn from it, and how its possible to use innovation tools and techniques to get closer to delivering an excellent claims experience.
S2 E1. Incentivisation + Cluj-Napoca
How do you incentivise people to do things today, that they might not see the benefit of right away?
A city in Romania think they may have cracked the code, by incentivising people to build healthy habits, by providing them with...bus tickets! What can the world of insurance learn from this wild, but pretty ingenious idea?
Nick and toby wrestle with the concept (and sometimes the pronunciations) to determine if its possible to use innovation techniques to deploy game changing incentives in insurance.
S1 E6. Influencers + The Speed Race
Why does one of the worlds most dangerous running races, also appear to be one of the most exclusive and popular?
The Speed Race is an event without even an official route, start date or time, let alone large marketing campaign, so how do they attract some of the biggest names in the world to be a part of their event? The answer is influencers.
Listen as Toby and Nick unpack how insurance businesses might learn valuable lessons from The Speed Race on how to leverage social media platforms, and the influencers that reside there, to even greater effect.
S1 E5. Experiences + Lego
Is it possible to use innovation to create experiences for customers that are not just great, but truly memorable?
In this episode, Nick and Toby take a look outside of the insurance industry to a brand that's been creating lasting memories for decades, and ask whether any lessons can be learned from toy giant Lego, including whether innovation might help companies create memorable experiences for customers of their own.
All tools discussed in this episode can be downloaded for free via the Ninety website here:
S1 E4. Trust + The NHS
What does it mean to be a trusted business? And is it possible for an insurance enterprise to be considered as trustworthy as the UK's National Health Service, considered by millions to be the most sacred institution in the country?
In this episode, Toby and Nick explore the key elements of building trust, and whether it's possible to use innovation to build trust with current and prospective customers.
To download any of the tools mentioned in this podcast, simply visit:
To get in touch with Nick or Toby, simply email [email protected], or toby.harvey-scholes@
About Beyond the Best. The Ninety Innovation Podcast.
How can you be better than the best in the business? Well, for a start, innovation!
On Beyond the Best, Nick and Toby, two seasoned innovation experts from Ninety, an award winning innovation agency, sit down to talk about how organisations can go beyond even what the best in the business offer, using the power of innovation.