The path for the professional cleaning & restoration business owner isn’t easy or defined. Frustration is common and the next steps aren’t always clear. Host Da...
Erik Hiltz is a long time carpet cleaner and founder of Zipper Wands. He tells his start up story from the very beginning of how he got started and what motivated him to jump into manufacturing of his own brand of commercial wands and stare them with the industry. He started like most of us did as a technician working for a different company and learned to like this business and continued on and has worn a lot of different hats in his business career. From working as a SEARS carpet cleaner and learning mostly the hard way of how to clean. What detergents would work and which ones did not. And how to give great customer service to his carpet clients and the folks who buy his Zipper Wands.
"You Should Try Carpet Cleaning!"
Keep It Clean! has Rob Hanks this week for a very entertaining story of an older brother convincing his two younger brothers to help him in his carpet cleaning business. They had little training and little support, but big dreams and a lot of drive. Those three brothers started one of the largest carpet and restoration supply businesses in North America.Listen to how their partnership worked, how they planned and looked for, but also created opportunity after opportunity throughout their entire careers. Forty two years of hard work and dedication payed off with a sale to a larger firm and a well deserved retirement.Rob's message of never giving up and finding ways to innovate and market to a wide audience is not lost today on successful people in the professional cleaning and restoration industry.
" I Had A Picture In My Head"
BK Semandic came to the US from Serbia and decided to make a life here. He has an appreciation for the land of opportunity. And what an opportunity it has been! BK applies himself through the power of visualization and creating a future that is attainable. He tells his startup story from learning the language to understanding how the cleaning and restoration industry actually works. Along the way he breaks many of the traditional rules that we commonly associate with operating and managing a cleaning and restoration company.He inspires us with some powerful messages on how people should treat each other and how a responsible manager takes ownership of problems and create solutions to get things accomplished. This is a very inspirational story that needs to be heard!
"I Don't Remember Carpet Cleaning At Career Day"
An Interview with Bill Yeadon, all around nice guy, lover of business books and one of the pioneers of the professional cleaning industry. Bill has been a carpet cleaner for many, many years and a pure lover of marketing this industry.Bill talks about his early days as a carpet cleaning professional in Florida in the early days of on-location cleaning operations, building a multi-truck operation and then working for Bane Clene Corporate showing others how to do the same thing in their markets.Working with Bill Bane and taking training on the road was where Bill learned the lessons of being a road warrior and how much fun it was to help fellow pros learn about this wonderful industry. He continues that march today as a trainer for JonDon with instructing carpet cleaning courses, but also as a trainer in their flagship training program, "Strategies For Success".Bill has read almost every business book ever published and is always ready to offer help to our industry colleagues. Listen to Bill tell his story of starting up in our world.
"I Started When I Was Just A Kid"
Craig Jasper has spent a lifetime in the professional cleaning and restoration industry. Starting as a very young adult, he learned literally from the ground up to clean floors, carpets and fabrics. As most of us do, he then journeyed into the professional Restoraton industry and has become one of the most sought after instructors in the industry.His down home instruction style fits well with his Chicago upbringing. He tells it like it is. Listen to the story of his startup and the obstacles he overcame on his way to the top of the industry food chain. Some of the historical names he brings up will trigger memories in all uf us that listen.
About Keep It Clean! - A Pro Cleaning Industry Podcast
The path for the professional cleaning & restoration business owner isn’t easy or defined. Frustration is common and the next steps aren’t always clear. Host Dane Gregory has over 35 years of experience in every level of the residential and commercial cleaning industries. A past IICRC President, world-class instructor, and business mentor, Dane shares insights on business management, mindset coaching, and technical advice for cleaning business owners, managers, and technicians. Whether the speciality is carpet, hard surface, or commercial, this podcast is for every member of the cleaning and restoration industry.
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