Ronin is comprised primarily of current or former military and emergency services personnel. Rescue and Safety is what we do! It is our profession and our pass...
Due to schedules and logistics, one of the teams competing in Taiwan this year was made up of rescuers from 6 different nations. So in RescueCast 94 we chat with Alan from Rope Geeks UK and Rado from RESQ NL about prepping for, competing in and some after action reviews (AAR) of the Ch'iao Rescue Competition in Taiwan in October. And we discuss some other differences that made.
RescueCast 93 Ropes Edge
RescueCast 93 Ropes Edge by Ronin Rescue
RescueCast 92
In RescueCast 92 we chat with Brian Luyster about rescue, Task Force deployments, the Texas Rescue Challenge and the Joey D Foundation (Black Sunday Fires in NYC)
RescueCast 91 - The Differences
While cross training in other rope disciplines is highly recommended, we need to remember that at the core, rope access and rope rescue are different. What works in one world. may not work in the other one.
RescueCast 90 - Scott Pittendreigh- Medical
RescueCast 90 - Scott Pittendreigh- Medical by Ronin Rescue
Ronin is comprised primarily of current or former military and emergency services personnel. Rescue and Safety is what we do! It is our profession and our passion. Our staff have performed rescues in some of the worst conditions imaginable. We have seen the negative side of accidents and incidents knowing full well that with proper communication, procedure and training the majority of them are preventable. Our RescueCast is to talk about our procedures, issues in the rescue industry and other items of interest to the rescue community.