Welcome to the Legal Toolkit, where you'll get the latest trends and business initiatives that help your law firm everyday. Hear from the experts setting the st...
Jared’s Xennial Trauma Dump || The Past & Future of Legal Tech
It was the 80s, man! The Xennial microgeneration (born between 1977 and 1983) is, arguably, the best generation, but growing up in the magical, tech-free 80s wasn’t actually entirely happy-go-lucky. TV and movies of the era loved inflicting psychological scars on children, so Jared takes a therapeutic moment to get all that emotional damage off his chest.
Next—what you’re actually here for—insights on legal technology, conferences, products, and more! Jared welcomes Jobst Elster of InsideLegal to get his take on the latest trends. They discuss technology use in law firms and spend time hashing out why legal tech conferences are still a pretty essential part of tech education and making connections with progressive, reputable vendors.
And, lastly, the Rump Roast! As it turns out, Jobst has a serious barbeque hobby, so, in homage to the name of this segment, he and Jared talk about the literal roasting and smoking of delicious meats.
A playlist full of...meat?
Jobst Elster is the Head of Content/Legal Marketing Strategy at InsideLegal.com.
Attorneys and AI Adoption; GenAI Court Order with Judge McGee; & “My Favorite Things”
Reminder: In this day and age, attorney tech competence absolutely includes keeping up with the rapidly evolving AI landscape. So, we all know lawyers typically suck at tech adoption, but how are they doing since the advent of the AI renaissance? Surprisingly better than usual! Jared expounds upon the latest data and enlightens us on how lawyers are engaging with AI tools.
Next, Jared welcomes Judge Marty McGee to explore AI in legal at even greater depths. Judge McGee talks through his personal experience with AI technologies, before going into the specifics of a recent AI court order regarding the appropriate use and responsibilities lawyers must bear as they interact with and implement AI in their legal practice. They touch on permissible GenAI uses, AI evidence, deepfakes, and more.
Finally, the Rump Roast! Jared gets to know Judge McGee by learning his top picks amongst movie trilogies, breads, fonts, North Carolina barbeque, and lots more, in a game called “My Favorite Things”.
Feeling festive? So are we.
Marty McGee serves as the Senior Resident Superior Court Judge in Cabarrus County.
Pity the Boston Area Sports Fan; Legal Employment Trends; & Workin’ for a Livin’
Jared reminisces on the frustrations (and sweet joys) of the Correia family legacy of dedicated Boston sports fandom. But, in spite of the ups and downs, his message is clear—never give up.
Are you looking to hire or be hired? The legal job market is pretty darn hot, but what are the best ways for law firms and potential hires to connect? Jared Correia welcomes Erin Andersen to discuss the latest employment trends in the legal industry. With insights from both sides of the hiring market, Erin talks through career transitions, ways to optimize your web presence, effects of firm culture on hiring, and yes—AI impacts in job candidate searches!
And, this time on the Rump Roast, Jared and Erin play Workin’ for a Livin’––showcasing unusual jobs for Erin to rank according to their appeal. Would she like to be a professional cuddler? An egg peeler? A reindeer minder? That’s for us to know and you to find out.
Let's Play(list) Ball!
So, Trump Again? || Work-Life Balance Through Workflows || Lobster Roll Extravaganza
What gives, America? Jared shares his take on Trump’s unexpectedly decisive re-election and what he expects/fears in the upcoming presidential term. Here’s hoping democracy survives the next 4 years.
Next up, Alan Klevan has used technology to create a better work-life balance for decades, and you can too! Jared and Alan talk through how to leverage technology in your workflows to create a legal practice that aligns with your values and goals as an attorney. Alan shares his favorite tech tools and his strategies for maintaining balance in your personal and professional life.
Last, Alan dodges the usual Rump Roast trivia by having a weird hobby! We bet you’ve never heard of a lobster roll connoisseur, but, well, now you have. Jared questions Alan on his unique experiences consuming lobster rolls in extensive and varied locales.
Are mixtapes still a thing? Jared says so.
Alan Klevan has been an attorney since 1990, concentrating in the fields of workers' compensation law, automobile tort law, and general negligence law.
Richie Furay — Live From the Playroom and The Ominous Approach of Autonomous Agents
What’s the next big thing coming in AI? Autonomous agents, that’s what! Currently, you have to drive the process of genAI by honing the iterations of your prompt. But, an autonomous agent can do that stuff without you worrying your pretty little head, dear lawyer. So, what’s there to know about this latest tech evolution? Jared’s here to talk about attorney use cases and whether this tech may be used for good or ill.
Later, the AI apocalypse isn’t upon us yet, so let’s enjoy some awesome music. Jared welcomes Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Richie Furay who, among other accomplishments, was a member of the great American bands Buffalo Springfield and Poco. Jared and Richie talk through his history, digging into many colorful moments from his experiences in the music industry. Richie performs live on the podcast, and he and Jared discuss his upcoming documentary.
Need more Richie? Jared's got you covered.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Spellbook Associate, effectively acting as a junior associate in a law firm.
Spellbook Launches Gen AI Agent that Can Plan and Execute Complex Transactional Workflows | LawSites by Bob Ambrogi
LawNext Podcast: Ep 256: All About Spellbook’s New AI Agent, Capable of Performing Complex Legal Tasks, with CEO Scott Stevenson
Richie Furay
Documentary — Richie Furay
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