61. How to sound less robotic and build better rapport in interviews
Ever walked out of an interview thinking, Did I sound too stiff? Was I awkward? Why didn’t I click with the interviewer? Interviews aren’t just about saying the right things. They’re about connection. If you’re so focused on being “perfect” that you forget to sound like yourself, you might be holding yourself back.In this episode, I’m sharing seven actionable tips to help you sound more natural, build rapport, and actually connect with your interviewer. By the end, you’ll know exactly how to turn an interview into a real conversation and walk away with confidence, knowing you’ve left a lasting impression!🛎️ FREEBIES & RESOURCES:Optimize your resume for Customer Success jobs to land consistent interviews with my FREE Training: https://customer-success-career.captivate.fm/resumeLearn how to sell yourself as the best candidate & walk into your next Customer Success job interview with confidence with my FREE Training: https://customer-success-career.captivate.fm/sellyourselfLearn how to MASTER Behavioral Interviews with my FREE Training: https://customer-success-career.captivate.fm/behavioral Actively looking for a job in Customer Success or plan to in the near future? Apply for 1:1 Coaching with me: https://customer-success-career.captivate.fm/coaching♥️ CONNECT WITH ME:Let's be LinkedIn friends: www.linkedin.com/in/carly-agar/Got any questions? Send me an email at
[email protected]➡️ HEAD TO THE SHOW NOTES: https://customer-success-career.captivate.fm/episode61🌟 FOLLOW & REVIEW:Are you loving the podcast? I'd appreciate it if you could take a few seconds to do these two things:hit the FOLLOW button so you don't miss out on any new episodes when they dropand either leave a review on Apple Podcasts or let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment over on Spotify! This helps me reach more customer success pros who need these insights. Thanks for tuning in to the Customer Success Career Coach podcast! I'll catch you next week. 🎙️ New episodes drop every Wednesday!