If you are tired of riding the endless circle, or you're struggling to find inspiration for your riding each week, this is the podcast for you.
The Daily S...
The Click Your Fingers Rule: Putting Your Position on Autopilot in Your Riding
Join the Returning to Riding Waitlist:- https://returningtoriding.com Imagine if there was something you could actively ‘do’ every moment you’re in the saddle that would almost guarantee that you’re in the ‘right place at the right time’. There is. It involves abiding by the 'Click Your Fingers Rule' regarding your position. And look, I get it: talking about your position is not fun or exciting. But it is 100% one of the BEST ways to improve your skills as a rider. When you are in the right place at the right time to effectively and clearly communicate with your horse, it stands to reason that the overall connection and quality of the work will improve. Your position is so important, and applying the Click Your Fingers Rule will help you develop true balance and independence in the saddle. It’s one of the key elements that allows a rider to transition from being a passenger to truly riding their horse. Read the Full Article HERE https://stridesforsuccess.com/episode1358-the-click-your-fingers-rule-putting-your-position-on-autopilot-in-your-riding Online Training to Help Your Riding Returning to Riding Program Waitlist Daily Strides Premium – Audio Horse Riding Lessons for Riders Connection – Private Virtual Online Lessons for Equestrians Information on Virtual Horse Riding Lessons Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailystridespodcast Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1499737810323191
Are You 'Sitting There'? How To Know if You're Stuck in Passenger Mode!
Join the Returning to Riding Waitlist:- https://returningtoriding.com You hop into the saddle, ready for a great ride. But before you know it, you’ve spent most of the session adjusting your hands, correcting your position, and just ‘fixing’ yourself. All while your horse just plods along! Sound familiar? Don't worry, you're not alone... Ask yourself this: Where is the majority of your attention or focus when you ride? Think back to the very last schooling session with your horse with you in the saddle. Maybe you had a lesson, or perhaps it was just you and your horse working together alone. Who did you focus more on: you and your position, aids, tension, etc., or your horse and how well he was working? There comes a point for most riders when they realize that they spend more time focusing on themselves in each training session. Fixing, correcting, reminding themselves to do or be a certain way... This is the 'passenger' phase of your horse-riding journey. And while all riders must initially go through it, the challenge comes when they unknowingly get stuck there! It's when you're focusing so much of your energy in 'fixing' yourself that you're not actually riding the horse! You're simply 'sitting there'. So, if you've been feeling like 80% of your time in the saddle is spent 'fixing' and correcting yourself - this article and episode will help you to begin making the shift from passenger to rider. Read Full Post & Access All Links HERE https://stridesforsuccess.com/episode1357-are-you-sitting-there-how-to-know-if-youre-stuck-in-passenger-mode Online Training to Help Your Riding Returning to Riding Program Waitlist Daily Strides Premium – Audio Horse Riding Lessons for Riders Connection – Private Virtual Online Lessons for Equestrians Information on Virtual Horse Riding Lessons Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailystridespodcast Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1499737810323191
Back to Riding? Improve Your Seat, Hands & Balance on Day 1
So you desperately want to get back in the saddle on the regular again. And you definitely feel excited. But you're also feeling more than a little overwhelmed! The big looming question is "What do I do on that first ride?!" Stop panicking because today, I will guide you through exactly what to do on that first ride... Step by step with your horse. Remember, whether it's been months or years, your body and mind need time to adjust. For your first few rides back, I want you to focus on increasing your awareness, rather than questioning if you're 'doing it right. Awareness over perfection! Today, as we ride together, you will make some small but mighty shifts in how you sit, move, and connect with your horse. These strategic adjustments will make all the difference in rebuilding your confidence and comfort. And they will also help to keep your mind from wandering too much! So, obviously, this can be listened to while you are riding. But you can also listen before you mount up and then use what you learn to make your first or next ride really count in your journey back to regular riding. You can read the full article and get all of the links mentioned in the episode over at:- https://stridesforsuccess.com/episode1356-back-to-riding-improve-your-seat-hands-balance-on-day-1 What’s Next? Choose Your Focus... Okay, so the first ride is done and dusted. However, now you need to build a little momentum. Choose one of the three following suggestions to work on for your next ride so that you can keep improving and truly make the most of this opportunity to be back in the saddle again. Learn to Begin Controlling Your Seat – Neutral, Go, and Whoa are all real ways you can influence your horse using your seat. I have an episode on this topic HERE Applying the Click Your Fingers Rule – Those lines are really important for both keeping you in the saddle and also how well your horse can listen to and understand your aids. I have got an episode on this HERE Developing Your Riding Fitness – Maybe you felt that you lacked the suppleness to move with your horse... If so, I strongly suggest diving into walking and yoga-based free 21-day Equestrian Fitness Challenge HERE Finally, I would love to hear from you... Which one of the above exercises felt the most impactful for you in your ride today? Pop over to the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community on Facebook and let me know! I’d love to hear about your experience. “Progress isn’t about doing everything at once - it’s about improving one small thing at a time.” And if you’re looking for more ways to make the most of your time with your horse, grab my free 80+ Ideas to Do with Your Horse in 15 Minutes or Less by visiting https://stridesforsuccess.com/15 Everything is neatly divided into categories for you to choose from depending on your vision, intention, or focus for your riding. Happy Riding Lorna Online Training to Help Your Riding Returning to Riding Program Waitlist Daily Strides Premium – Audio Horse Riding Lessons for Riders Connection – Private Virtual Online Lessons for Equestrians Information on Virtual Horse Riding Lessons Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailystridespodcast Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1499737810323191
Getting Back in the Saddle; Can Things Be Even BETTER Than Before?
80+ Ideas for 15 Minutes or Less with Your Horse https://stridesforsuccess.com/15 Groundwork & Energy Live Webinar https://stridesforsuccess.com/energy 3 Days to Successful Lunging https://stridesforsuccess.com/3days Nostalgia is a funny thing. It often causes us to look back at or reminisce about past experiences with rose-tinted glasses. And your horse riding journey is no different. Especially when you’re thinking about getting back in the saddle after a significant breakaway. When you remember all of the adventures you’ve already had when it comes to horses and riding, it can sometimes leave you questioning if there’s any way it could ever hope to be like that again… And that doubt over how good getting back in the saddle could be is one of the big reasons riders never take the next action. They don’t go out and tack up. Or they stop exploring riding clubs, or schools that are nearby. And that is such a shame… While you’re paused because you’re worrying if a new riding experience could possibly measure up to ‘what was’ for you before; you’re missing out on the very real possibility that things could actually be even better. Today I want to explore how this is a very real (and even more probable) outcome for you if you finally take the plunge and take action on getting back in the saddle after a break. Read Full Article and Listen:- https://stridesforsuccess.com/episode1355-getting-back-in-the-saddle-can-things-be-even-better-than-before 3 Actions To Choose From for This Week:- So, I’m hoping that if you’ve been on the fence about getting back in the saddle, I’ve helped to steer you closer to the ‘yes, I’m ready’ camp! Which is to actually do something. Take the next action! Let’s be honest, there are lots of actions you can take to get the ball rolling… However, I’m going to give you 3 specific things to choose from today:- Prepare Your Equipment & Space:- Start small and use your efforts here to inspire you to do more… I’ve got a free resource you can use that gives you a list of things you can do around the yard (or with your horse) when you find yourself with 15 minutes or less https://stridesforsuccess.com/15 Groundwork Session with Your Horse:- Spend time reconnecting with your horse on the ground. This helps rebuild trust, establish communication, and get a feel for each other’s energy before riding. The Connection Partnership Program is a great way to add some structure to your time – while improving your aids for when you are back in the saddle again. Find out more at https://stridesforsuccess.com/cpp Lunging Session with Your Horse:- You can take things a step further by getting into the arena and working on 12 minutes of intentional lunging. I have a training to get you started, including audio horse riding lessons to follow for the first 3 lunging sessions together. You can get that for free at https://stridesforsuccess.com/3days Choose one of the above actions today, and commit to getting started in the coming 7 days. Then pop over to the Daily Strides Podcast Facebook Community and let me know what you’re planning on doing to kick start your journey back to regular riding again :) Happy Riding Lorna Online Training to Help Your Riding Returning to Riding Program Waitlist Daily Strides Premium – Audio Horse Riding Lessons for Riders Connection – Private Virtual Online Lessons for Equestrians Information on Virtual Horse Riding Lessons Pivo Motion Tracking Software (*affiliate link for 10% off your purchase) Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailystridespodcast Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1499737810323191
Getting Back in the Saddle: Overcoming Mental Blocks & Old Identities
50+ Ideas to do With Your Horse in 15 Minutes or Less HERE https://stridesforsuccess.com/15 Riders stop riding for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes, it's a conscious choice; an injury, a change in circumstances, or a loss of confidence for example. Other times, life simply gets in the way. But whatever the reason, it doesn’t have to define your riding journey going forward. You're maybe like many other riders, the reason that you've stopped was just a season of life—a temporary chapter, not the whole story. And yet, it’s easy to take that reason and make it mean something about who you are. You, intentionally or not, weave it into your entire identity, convincing yourself that you're no longer a “real rider.” But here’s the truth: “The reason you stopped riding is just that—a reason, not a definition. It's a chapter that's now ending - not the whole story! Getting back in the saddle can feel uncomfortable, even when you want it more than anything. And I'm not just talking about physical discomfort. Often the mental challenges are even more real. This can be because your mind has grown used to its old story. The one where riding is no longer a part of your life. But that story isn’t set in stone. You can rewrite it—starting today... Read More & Listen to Episode HERE https://stridesforsuccess.com/episode1354-getting-back-in-the-saddle-overcoming-mental-blocks-and-old-identities The Energy Connection Webinar If you want to go deeper with this for you and your horse, register for my upcoming free live training on how you can use your presence and energy to move both you and your horse from tension to trust. This is a great, practical training you can use to help you get back in the saddle after a break. I will give you 3 specific exercises you can use the next time you're with your horse to connect with him or her on a deeper level. You can find all of the details about The Energy Connection Webinar HERE at https://stridesforsuccess.com/energy 50+ Ideas for 15 Minutes or Less Make the most of those small but plentiful chunks of time when you're with your horse or around the yard with this handy, free list of ideas that will inspire you. https://stridesforsuccess.com/15 Online Training to Help Your Riding Returning to Riding Program Waitlist Daily Strides Premium – Audio Horse Riding Lessons for Riders Connection – Private Virtual Online Lessons for Equestrians Information on Virtual Horse Riding Lessons Pivo Motion Tracking Software (*affiliate link for 10% off your purchase) Connect with Lorna online:- Connect in the Daily Strides Podcast Online Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailystridespodcast Connect in the Virtual Stable Lounge Private Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1499737810323191
If you are tired of riding the endless circle, or you're struggling to find inspiration for your riding each week, this is the podcast for you.
The Daily Strides Podcast is for equestrians wanting to learn more, stay inspired, and continue to move the conversation between horse and rider forward.
Each episode provides step by step guided instruction on different aspects of riding, groundwork, and lunging your horse or pony.
All episodes have a full blog post published at https://StridesForSuccess.com. New episodes are published every Monday.
Say goodbye to the endless circle and hello to intentional interaction with your horse in a way that you both enjoy, that you both benefit from, by subscribing to the Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians today and
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