Harrison's PodClass: Internal Medicine Cases and Board Prep
Produced by McGraw Hill, Harrison's Podclass delivers illuminating and engaging discussions led by Drs. Cathy Handy Marshall and Charlie Wiener of The John Hop...
This case presents a 19-year-old man with new onset dysuria and purulent urethritis. The discussion focuses on likely diagnoses and appropriate therapy.
Ep 124: A 64-Year-Old with Worsening Dyspnea and Cough
This episode discusses a 64-year-old man who develops acute respiratory symptoms while climbing Mt. Kilamanjaro. The discussion focuses on the likely diagnosis, pathophysiology and treatment.
Ep 123: 65-Year-Old Male with Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
This episode presents a 65-year-old man recently who was diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma. We discuss environmental risk factors for the development of malignancy.
Ep 122: 45-Year-Old Healthy Man with Loss of Consciousness
This episode presents a healthy 45-year-old who loses consciousness while playing tennis and is found to have focal neurologic findings. We discuss the initial evaluation and acute therapeutic interventions.
Ep 121: Patient with Advanced Heart Failure
This episode discusses recent advances in left ventricular assist devices and the clinical indications for this type of technological support.
About Harrison's PodClass: Internal Medicine Cases and Board Prep
Produced by McGraw Hill, Harrison's Podclass delivers illuminating and engaging discussions led by Drs. Cathy Handy Marshall and Charlie Wiener of The John Hopkins School of Medicine on key topics in medicine, featuring board-style case vignettes from Harrison's Review Questions and chapters from the acclaimed Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine – available on AccessMedicine from McGraw Hill.
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