Money talk for misfits. Certified Educator in Personal Finance and author of YOU DON'T NEED A BUDGET Dana Miranda answers your burning money questions! www.heal...
How to create financial stability with inconsistent income
Welcome to the Healthy Rich podcast, a show about money for misfits!I’m Dana Miranda, a financial educator and author of You Don’t Need a Budget.In this episode, I discuss:🥑 How I manage my money as a freelance writer🥑 Tips to build a buffer in your bank account🥑 How to smooth over ups and downs in your income🥑 What to do when you make enough, but money always feels tightSubscribe to Healthy Rich at, and learn more about You Don’t Need a Budget at This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Answering your questions about becoming a freelancer
Welcome to the Healthy Rich podcast, a show about money for misfits!I’m Dana Miranda, a financial educator and author of You Don't Need a Budget.In this episode, I discuss:🥑 How to overcome fear of instability in freelancing🥑 How to set yourself up financially before taking the leap🥑 What kind of work you can do as a freelancer and how to find itSubscribe to Healthy Rich at, and learn more about You Don't Need a Budget at This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
How (and why) to turn yourself from a saver into a spender
Welcome to the Healthy Rich podcast, a show about money for misfits!I’m Dana Miranda, a financial educator and author of You Don’t Need a Budget.In this episode, I discuss how to turn yourself from a saver into a spender (and why you’d want to):🥑 Why saving too much can be as much of a burden as saving too little.🥑 How naming your needs and values can help you decide how to spend money without a restrictive budget or spending plan.🥑 Three exercises to help you name your needs and values and how you can use money to support them.Mentioned in this episode:🔗 Healthy Rich podcast: How do you avoid spending money you don’t have?🔗 Buy What You Love without Going Broke by Jen Smith and Jill Sirianni🔗 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs🔗 You Don’t Need a Budget Reflection Questions worksheet🔗 Subscribe to Healthy Rich at This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Preparing our finances for a fascist regime (webinar replay)
This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit www.healthyrich.coWelcome to the Healthy Rich podcast, a show about money for misfits!I’m Dana Miranda, a financial educator and author of You Don’t Need a Budget.In this episode, I discuss:🥑 What we might expect for consumer prices, taxes, student loans and retirement plans under the final Trump term.🥑 What you can do now to protect peace and stability in your finances.🥑 The challenge of setting yourself up for financial independence from estranged loved ones.🥑 How to rethink and expand your resources to find comfort in times of uncertainty.
How do you avoid spending money you don’t have?
Welcome to the first episode of the Healthy Rich podcast, a show about money for misfits! I’m Dana Miranda, a financial educator and author of You Don’t Need a Budget.In this (re)launch episode, I’m answering the No. 1 question I get when I tell people “you don’t need a budget”: How do you avoid spending money you don’t have?My answer will probably vex a lot of people, but I stand by it. I get into:🥑 The three dimensions of financial wellness that can inform how you use money.🥑 Why debt isn’t something you have to avoid!For show notes and more information from today's show check out the post at While you're there, subscribe to get notified whenever I drop a new episode.If you have a question you'd like to see answered in a future episode, you can submit it in writing or as a voicemail by clicking on submit a question for the podcast at the top of the page. This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
Money talk for misfits. Certified Educator in Personal Finance and author of YOU DON'T NEED A BUDGET Dana Miranda answers your burning money questions!