So, they say money can't buy happiness? Is this true?
In this podcast I'll chat about the effects of money on our lifestyle and how it correlates with happiness throughout life!
9: Episode 9: Side Hustles
In this episode I'm going to chat to you about side hustles. If you're able to get an extra €100 a week that adds up to €5,000 per annum. Today we will chat about how somebody who is in a 9-5 job is able to grow their income & i'll go through my list of potential side hustles.
8: Episode 8: Emergency Funds & Sinking Funds
In this episode I'll chat about what is an emergency fund & when should you have one.
We will go over how much you will need and what kind of things you will need it for. Somethings will go wrong in life and having this cushion will help ease the stress in the unfortunate situation something does go wrong.
7: Episode 7: Bank Accounts
In this episode, I’m going to take you through banking, bank accounts and how to manage your money better using online bank accounts. I’m also going to explain the different types of accounts that you need to have, deposit rates, saving accounts & investment accounts.
6: Episode 6: Switch & Save Everything, Every Year
In this episode I’m going to take you through how to switch and save on everything. From the usual TV, GAS & Electricity to mortgages and insurance.
I’m going to talk you through how you can go about switching and how to make it as easy as possible and I’ll make you aware of a couple things to make sure you get the most from switching.