This is the podcast for independent hospitality owners who want to grow their businesses.
The place where we talk to owners, managers & staff from top indepen...
Alex Greig - Squeezing every last drop out of a specialist beer business
Colm chats to Alex Greig, owner & operator of Fuggles Beer Café with 2 locations in Kent.
A wide-ranging chat covering:
-> The evolution of craft beer and its customers
-> The appeal of a broad offering vs the reality of wastage and how he manages it
-> Finding efficiencies in every corner to combat the tough economic environment
-> The future of independent hospitality business models
-> Getting the most out of 'stop-gap' staff
-> The importance of doing the 'boring' work
Join one of our free, live 25 minute masterclasses hereFollow Colm on Instagram here
Tony Adams - What the f**k is a system, and how do you get people to follow it?
Colm chats to Tony Adams, owner and operator of Hello Burger since 2015.
-> What the f**k is a system, and how do you get people to follow it?
-> Tony's 1:3:1 system for managers to communicate issues upwards
-> How to develop training programs for young managers on leadership
-> Balancing in-venue experience and delivery
-> Tony's top tips for success with Delivery Apps (gained from serving 25,000 burgers per year)
Join one of our free, live 25 minute masterclasses hereFollow Colm on Instagram here
Louise Holme - Embracing Your Values As A Small Business & Making Them Mean Something
Colm chats to Louise Holme, owner & operator of Holme Stores
-> The daunting prospect of setting up a business in your mid-twenties
-> Being an introvert and figuring out how to engage customers
-> Embracing your values as a small business, and making them actually mean something
-> Getting comfortable in the uncomfortable
-> Dealing with the disappointment of expansion not working out
Join one of our free, live 25 minute masterclasses hereFollow Colm on Instagram here
Stef & Freddie - Calm, Chaos & Everything In Between Building Wylie's Coffee
Colm chats to Freddie & Stef, the brilliant couple behind Wylie's Coffee.
-> Aussie & Japanese influences on Wylie's
-> Creating a space for a moment of calm in a chaotic world
-> Their checklist when choosing a winning location
-> Why it took them too long to build a team
-> Their plans for expanding beyond coffee
Join one of our free, live 25 minute masterclasses here
Follow Colm on Instagram here
Carol Deeney - Taking Haggis Global, Building a Franchisable Brand & Lessons in Consistency
Colm chats to Carol Deeney, owner & operator of Deeney's. The home of Scottish scran and the famous Macbeth (haggis toastie).
Deeney's is now a multinational brand via East London, Tokyo and Phuket. Yes, you read that correctly!
Was it always Carol's plan to take haggis global?
A fascinating journey and great lessons for anyone wondering what the ingredients for a powerhouse hospitality brand are.
-> Advertising Industry to Scottish Street Food
-> The foundations of building a strong brand
-> Having a USP and sticking to it
-> Lessons in consistency and simplicity
-> Taking Haggis global via Japan & Thailand - lessons learned along the way
If you want to chat about anything in the episode, or would like some help making changes to your independent hospitality business, drop Colm & Frankie a DM on Instagram or send an email to [email protected]
This is the podcast for independent hospitality owners who want to grow their businesses.
The place where we talk to owners, managers & staff from top independent businesses about their journey and about their stories.
Running your own place can be a lonely road sometimes. So whether you’re looking for inspiration or just want to hear something that makes you feel like you’re not in this alone. Then this is the place for you.