Spiraling Higher is a podcast about conscious healing, manifestation and spirituality that aims to illuminate and normalize the healing journey by bringing you ...
It’s time to rethink quitting.In this episode, we challenge the negative connotations of quitting and aim to help you discern when it’s time to keep going vs when it’s time for something new to be birthed.Watch this episode on YouTube:https://youtu.be/i21-XnSz6HIPeople often see quitting as a failure or a hard stop—but what if instead, we could see it as an adjustment, a fine-tuning of your path that opens doors to new possibilities.If you’ve ever struggled with the fear of quitting, worried about what others might think, or felt trapped in the pressure to monetize every passion, this conversation will meet you exactly where you are. We unpack the emotions behind quitting and how to trust yourself when facing uncertainty.This episode is a reminder that life is about conscious choices, embracing the unknown, and being okay with evolving beyond old beliefs. We also share personal insights and stories about how we've discerned between closing a chapter or continuing forward.Highlights:- Why manifestation is about the journey, not just the destination- The joy of anticipation and its impact on fulfillment- Challenging societal views on quitting- Trusting yourself when embracing the unknown- Quitting as a sign of growth and evolution- The importance of making decisions without justification- Separating your passions from the pressure to monetizeALSO!!! In this episode, we chatted about finally making MERCH one day...and we actually did just that over the break!!! Check out the link below to purchase the first ever Spiraling Higher sweatshirts and mug and support us with your high vibe goodies:http://xmj6wr-xy.myshopify.com/Join our FREE community: (We host free calls every month!):https://tinyurl.com/SpiralinghighercommunityJoin our retreat waitlist for JUNE 2025 by signing up here:https://shorturl.at/fojjy--Apply for 1:1 coaching with Sam:https://www.simplifyingsam.com/1on1coachingApply for 1:1 coaching with Gina:https://tinyurl.com/1on1coachingbteFollow Spiraling Higher:Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/spiralinghigherFollow Simplifying Sam:Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@simplifying.samInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/simplifying.samFollow Gina:Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@ginabourneInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/ginabourneFor all inquiries, email us at:[email protected] Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands
92. Julie Menanno: Healing The Anxious-Avoidant Relationship Cycle
Our most highly anticipated guest from last year finally accepted our DM request to come on the pod and de-mystify the most common (and stressful) relational dynamic: ANXIOUS + AVOIDANT.Watch this episode on YouTube:https://youtu.be/CRxBxInFDfUIf you have ever been in a relationship, or supported someone in one, then you KNOW how distressing it is to deal with feeling like your partner doesn't care about your feelings OR as if their feelings are TOO MUCH. Unfortunately, these two types of people often attract each other...and without proper awareness or the development of regulation skills, these two people will harm each other over and over until there is no longer a sense of closeness or intimacy anymore.What's sad about this dynamic is that both people DO care, and ultimately desire closeness, but what actions make each of them feel emotionally safe in the relationship are different. Learning the difference between these needs, their origins, and how to appreciate them without self-abandoning is the key to creating a healthier dynamic that can repair fully after typical ruptures, which even secure attached couples experience!Whether you're familiar with attachment theory already or not, this conversation reveals the secret ingredient for creating secure attachment and is going to help you identify which attachment style you may have AND how to heal it instead of projecting your needs and insecurities onto your partner. No matter if you identify as anxious, avoidant, disorganized...there are tools for you to become a safer, secure person for yourself AND as a partner in a relationship.Join our FREE community: (We host free calls every month!):https://tinyurl.com/SpiralinghighercommunityJoin our retreat waitlist for JUNE 2025 by signing up here:https://shorturl.at/fojjy--Find Julie:https://www.instagram.com/thesecurerelationship/Get her best-selling book "Secure Love" here:https://amzn.to/4jtlhPK--WE FINALLY MADE MERCH! Find your new Spiraling Higher apparel here:http://xmj6wr-xy.myshopify.com/Apply for 1:1 coaching with Sam:https://www.simplifyingsam.com/1on1coachingApply for 1:1 coaching with Gina:https://tinyurl.com/1on1coachingbteFollow Spiraling Higher:Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/spiralinghigherFollow Simplifying Sam:Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@simplifying.samInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/simplifying.samFollow Gina:Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@ginabourneInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/ginabourneFor all inquiries, email us at:[email protected] Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands
91. New Year, Same Us: Pursuit of Perfection + The Fear of Being “Average"
It might be a new year but we are back with the same intentions! Our integrations and lessons continue to deepen but our mission and commitment remains steadfast, which is to support you through our conscious conversations to become more loving and accepting of who you are - no matter where you’re at.Honestly, the start of the year has been slow for us so if you’re in the same boat, you’re in good company! Join us for this episode as we reflect on our previous year and re-visit our perspectives and relationships to growth, the “hustle", confidence, and the fear of being just “average.”If you’ve been struggling to find your balance and feel like life keeps one-upping you, this conversation will be healing for you as we lovingly lift the hood on the pursuit of perfectionism, self-worth, and personal growth. Our dialogue inspires you to consider that growth is not becoming a perceived better version of yourself but that you listen less to the part of yourself that criticizes you. We hope that this year is the one where you finally decide to be on your own team - for life.Highlights:-The Illusion of Perfection-The Fear of Being Average (or “below average”)-The Invisibility of Personal Growth-Confidence: Thinking More About Yourself or Thinking of Yourself Less?-What We Really Think About Habit TrackersTimestamps:00:00 New Beginnings and Reflections02:55 The Illusion of Perfection05:58 Redefining Growth12:00 Confidence and Self-Perception14:57 Finding Your Balance18:04 The Journey of Healing and Moderation21:01 Embracing Average and Self-Acceptance29:30 Navigating the Pressure of Perfection34:01 The Universe as a Reflection39:01 The Journey of Self-Discovery49:55 Being on Your Own TeamJoin our FREE community: (We host free calls every month!):https://tinyurl.com/SpiralinghighercommunityJoin our retreat waitlist for JUNE 2025 by signing up here:https://shorturl.at/fojjy--WE FINALLY MADE MERCH! Find your new Spiraling Higher apparel here:http://xmj6wr-xy.myshopify.com/Apply for 1:1 coaching with Sam:https://www.simplifyingsam.com/1on1coachingApply for 1:1 coaching with Gina:https://tinyurl.com/1on1coachingbteFollow Spiraling Higher:Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/spiralinghigherFollow Simplifying Sam:Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@simplifying.samInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/simplifying.samFollow Gina:Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@ginabourneInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/ginabourneFor all inquiries, email us at:[email protected] Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands
Throwback Episode: The Universe Doesn't Test You, It Reflects You
If there is one thing that has remained true since the start of this podcast, it is our commitment to curiosity toward our triggers. We will shout it from the rooftops for the rest of time...your triggers are TEACHERS!Every experience is a mirror into what you think and believe about yourself. How we feel about what is happening on the outside, whatever we think we need to control or change about the circumstances, is a signal for the healing that must happen INSIDE of you.Life is not a test...it's a mirror.--Join our FREE community: (We host free calls every month!):https://tinyurl.com/SpiralinghighercommunityJoin our retreat waitlist for APRIL 2025 by signing up here:https://shorturl.at/fojjyHeal your money wound & manifest abundance in Sam's newest course 'Abundantly Ever After:'https://simplifyingsam.kartra.com/page/AbundantlyEverAfter--Apply for 1:1 coaching with Sam:https://www.simplifyingsam.com/1on1coachingApply for 1:1 coaching with Gina:https://tinyurl.com/1on1coachingbteFollow Spiraling Higher:Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/spiralinghigherFollow Simplifying Sam:Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@simplifying.samInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/simplifying.samFollow Gina:Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@ginabourneInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/ginabourneFor all inquiries, email us at:[email protected] Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands
Throwback Episode: "Why Do I Keep Procrastinating?"
Throwing it back to one of our most downloaded episodes which dove into the shame of PROCRASTINATION.In this episode, we reflect on the journey of creating the podcast—how long it really took to get here, the habits that once held us back, and how we freed ourselves of paralyzing indecison and self-judgment.What we hope you take away from this episode is that procrastination IS NOT laziness—it’s fear. So if you've been struggling to make progress or momentum, this conversation will help you see that procrastination is often a misguided attempt to protect you from disappointment and help you heal it.Highlights:-The backstory behind Spiraling Higher and the role procrastination played-Why procrastination isn’t a flaw but a form of self-protection-How to break the cycle of shame and fear around “not doing enough”-Strategies to feel safer taking imperfect actionIf you’ve ever struggled with procrastination, this episode will make you feel seen, understood, and empowered to take your next step.Don't forget to join the FREE Spiraling Higher Community and attend one of our free monthly connection calls in the new year where we meet to chat about what we're spiraling through with warmth, compassion and curiosity.----Join our FREE community: (We host free calls every month!):https://tinyurl.com/SpiralinghighercommunityJoin our retreat waitlist for APRIL 2025 by signing up here:https://shorturl.at/fojjyHeal your money wound & manifest abundance in Sam's newest course 'Abundantly Ever After:'https://simplifyingsam.kartra.com/page/AbundantlyEverAfter--Apply for 1:1 coaching with Sam:https://www.simplifyingsam.com/1on1coachingApply for 1:1 coaching with Gina:https://tinyurl.com/1on1coachingbteFollow Spiraling Higher:Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/spiralinghigherFollow Simplifying Sam:Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@simplifying.samInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/simplifying.samFollow Gina:Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@ginabourneInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/ginabourneFor all inquiries, email us at:[email protected] Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands
Spiraling Higher is a podcast about conscious healing, manifestation and spirituality that aims to illuminate and normalize the healing journey by bringing you wisdom through intimate and meaningful conversations. Although the healing journey is a never ending upward spiral, Sam and Gina seek to provide the tools and insights to help you expand your awareness and spiral higher to elevated levels of consciousness.Follow Spiraling Higher on InstagramFollow Samantha on Tiktok and InstagramFollow Gina on Tiktok and Instagram