If you've been looking to make money online, quit your 9-to-5, or achieve more freedom in your life, then the Impactful Income Show is ready to give you the too...
Free Social Media Marketing Course (7 Hour SMMA Course)
📩 Get FREE Social Media Marketing resources worth $1,000 here: https://www.the6figureaccelerator.com...
📲 Book a 1-on-1 call directly with me to see if I can help you make $10k/month with your own social media marketing or consulting business: https://www.the6figureaccelerator.com...
📸 Follow me on IG (@adamwlsh)
/ adamwlsh
🎧 Listen To My Podcast (Impactful Income Show)
My mentorship program 'The 6 Figure Accelerator Program' has helped over 109 people make between $5k-$40k/month online.
After building my own Social Media Marketing Business to 7 figures (and then selling my 1/2 of the business to my business partner), I know how to start & scale anyone, from any background to at least $5k-$10k/month.
This program is an intensive 1-on-1 mentorship experience and not another $997 course...
To see if I can help you make $10k/month with your own social media marketing or consulting business, go here: https://www.the6figureaccelerator.com...
0:00 Introduction to the Free Social Media Management Course
02:44 Is SMMA Saturated?
03:25 How to avoid Fake Gurus
03:56 The problem with most SMMA Courses
06:37 Which type of SMMA you should start
08:34 My story with online business
28:27 My story with depression & how I overcame it
43:27 Free course curriculum
44:54 How my SMMA made over $1,034,000
1:05:34 Why you do not need to set up a business
1:10:19 What softwares I used to build my SMMA
1:21:32 How I onboarded 355 SMMA clients
1:31:30 The 3 questions you must ask your clients before creating content for them
1:36:40 The mindset that made me a millionaire
2:39:01 What service you should offer to make $5k-$10k/month
2:47:04 Why I chose social media management + content creation
2:56:13 Revealing a $2,500/month client of mine
3:01:26 Freelancer VS Agency Owner
3:07:59 What a Social Media Manager does
3:14:35 How to hire A-players
3:20:22 Do you need to niche down?
3:29:18 Do you need a no-brainer offer?
3:40:10 Pricing - how much you should charge
3:52:24 Client Acquisition - how to sign clients
4:21:33 How I send 500 messages a day on auto-pilot
4:30:35 How to automate outreach
4:34:43 How to outreach if you do not have a niche
4:36:51 How to sign clients with SMS text messaging
4:45:24 Sales - how to sell your service
4:56:17 The 3 sales styles that made me over $1m
5:00:58 LIVE Sales Call recording from my SMMA (1)
5:23:10 LIVE Sales Call recording from my SMMA (2)
5:52:59 LIVE Sales Call Role Play with my student
6:08:19 How I get insane results for my SMMA clients
6:22:09 Watch me build a viral marketing strategy for a fitness coach
6:31:25 How I post over 240 pieces of content to social media each month
6:37:05 Building your success mindset
6:53:11 Identify shifting to become a successful person
7:05:58 How to build real lasting motivation
7:14:25 How to avoid Mental Masturbation
7:23:25 The roadmap I would take to go from 0 to $10k/month FAST
7:34:57 How to get to $5k-$10k/month guaranteed by me
7:46:59 Spending 200 hours rebuilding my mentorship program
7:52:41 Your next steps to scale to $5k-$10k/month guaranteed by me
I locked myself in my childhood bedroom until I made $10k in a month with SMMA
Get my help here: https://www.the6figureaccelerator.com/help-me
You're Too Scared To Become Rich...
Get my help here: https://www.the6figureaccelerator.com/help-me
3 Things I Wish I Knew At 18
Get my help here: https://www.the6figureaccelerator.com/help-me
Cold Outreach For SMMA Is NOT Dead
Get my help here: https://www.the6figureaccelerator.com/help-me
If you've been looking to make money online, quit your 9-to-5, or achieve more freedom in your life, then the Impactful Income Show is ready to give you the tools you need to start making money while making an impact in our world. Listen in as 6-figure marketer, Adam Walsh, shares his story and all of the ups and downs of building 2x 7 figure businesses online.