享受一小时的静谧安然——第12期,本期加入冰川融化的的水流声。冰川融化的水滴从岩石上滴落,缓缓流动的水声在山间回荡,诉说着时间的流逝和自然的变迁。Enjoy an hour of peace and tranquility - Episode 12,This episode includes the sound of water flowing from melting glaciers. Melting water droplets from the glacier drip from the rocks, and the slowly flowing water echoes in the mountains, telling the passage of time and the changes of nature.
Ambient 011
享受一小时的静谧安然——第11期,本期加入夜晚的虫鸣和鸟鸣声。夏夜此起彼伏的虫鸣和鸟鸣声,在耳边回荡,带来宁静与安详。Enjoy an hour of peace and tranquility - Episode 11,This episode includes the chirping of insects and birds at night. The constant chirping of insects and birds on summer nights echoes in ears, bringing peace and tranquility.
Ambient 010
享受一小时的静谧安然——第十期,本期加入海浪声,宁静的海边潺潺的海浪声与恬静唯美的音乐,于此安然的氛围中沉浸。Enjoy one hour of tranquility and peace - the tenth episode,This episode features the sound of waves, immersing you in the serene music of the tranquil seaside.
氛围音乐(Ambient Music)混音带。
混音带曲目均收录于网易云音乐《冥想正念 | 静谧安然(播客曲目收录)歌单中。
Ambient Music Mixtape, with natural environmental sounds added as background sounds to create a peaceful and calm atmosphere.
During an hour of peaceful and tranquil music journey, you can focus on learning, reading books, relieve stress, meditate or fall asleep peacefully. It can also be used as ASMR.
The tracks of the mixtape are included in the song list of Netease Cloud Music "Meditation and Mindfulness | Tranquil and Calm (included in the podcast track)".