A strategy focused show that provides practical help and guidance for people involved with not for profit organisations. If you're tasked with creating and mana...
In this episode, Dave & Steve talk through the problems experienced by Not-for-Profits implementing KPIs and how to solve them. A must listend episode for NFP CEOs that are about to put in place or replace the KPIs for their organisation.
Demystifying How To Get Good Data For Not-for-Profit KPIs
In this second of three episodes on KPIs, Dave & Steve demystify the 'where from' and 'how to' of getting good data for KPIs. No jargon. Just practical, efficient and cost effective ways.
What KPIs do you need to run a Not-for-Profit
Following many successful implementations, in this episode Dave & Steve talk about a proven structure that makes it easy for Not-for-Profits to know what KPIs they need. A must listen episode for CEOs of Not-for-Profits that either have no KPIs, have too many, or the ones they've got don't tell them what they need to know.
How to Fast Track a Skilled Workforce with special guest Dawn McAleenan, CEO of Crosslinks Disability Support Services
In this episode, Dawn McAleenan discusses Crosslink's strategy that is quickly upskilling its workforce, with flow on benefits in terms of job satisfaction, and recruitent and retention of its people. A must listen episode for CEOs in the NFP sector, given their most important asset (by a long way) is their people.
How Not-For-Profits Can Measure Social Impact - With Returning Guest, Benjamin Jardine
In this edisode, Benjamin Jardine explains both the 'why' and the 'how' Not-For-Profits can measure social impact. A must listen episode for Not-for-Profits that want more accountability for the delivery of their mission. Useful links: Social Impact Measurement Network of Australia (SIMNA) - https://simna.com.au/ Social Care Institute for Excellence - https://www.scie.org.uk/ International Consortium for Healthcare Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) –https://www.ichom.org/
A strategy focused show that provides practical help and guidance for people involved with not for profit organisations. If you're tasked with creating and managing the execution of strategy, this podcast is for you.
Brought to you by the team at Alertise.