Health and Fitness Extravaganza of Information empowering your to take back control of your life from pain. Simple and fundamental is the theme for this show. T...
Foundation Training For Chronic Pain With Coach Jessie Salas
In this episode Dr. Perry talks with Coach Jessie Salas Master Trainer for Foundation Training about chronic pain and how Foundation Training can help. This training can change the way you fee and move. It can change your life. You are gonna love this one. Links:
SCP Podcast Mini Series, Episode 23: The Path Of Not Here For Chronic Pain
In this mini podcast episode I talk about the 'path of not here' in relationship to chronic pain. I work with the people that have tried so many different ways to get better and they have lost help and feel frustrated. If you can learn to reframe your thinking with the 'path of not here' it my help you find your answer. Listen to my prior podcast with Boyd Varty to expand on the topic. Link Here: BOYD VARTY
Inflammation and the Neuroimmune Connection
In this mini-podcast episode Dr. Perry discusses the neuroimmune system connection. How the nervous system and immune system always work together to heal you. Stress always impacts the immune system and nervous system. They can breakdown over time. Learn three steps you can do today to take back control of your nervous and immune system when you have pain and inflammation. Goole search 'neuroimmune' to start down the rabbit hole. Such a great topic. Links YOUTUBE VIDEO LYMPH VIDEO LYMPH WORKSHOP
Katy Bowman: My Perfect Movement Plan
First podcast of 2025. We have a returning favorite guest Katy Bowman. I have known Katy for years and she has been such a wonderful influence on my movement education. The things I have learned from her helped me personally and professionally. I share her movement education with all of my patients. On this episode we talk about here new book... My Perfect Movement Plan: The Move Your DNA All Day Workbook The best way to approach movement is to think of it like food—we need certain amounts of all different kinds for our bodies to be healthy. My Perfect Movement Plan helps you figure out exactly which types of movement you’re already getting, what you might be missing, and where to fit it into your daily life. This workbook is all about discovering the “movement diet” your body needs. Not any body, but your body, specifically. Complete dozens of self-assessment questions and worksheets to develop a plan--your perfect plan--for nourishing your body with movement in a way that’s sustainable, meaningful, adaptable, and even restful. You are going to love this episode and it's a gret way to start youe new year movement journey. Book Purchase here via AMAZON Katy Bowman Website:
SCP Podcast Mini Series, Episode 21: The Largest Lymph Node In The Body
In this episode Dr. Perry talks about the Cisterna Chyli the largest lymph node of the body located in the center of the abdomen. When that lymph node is stagnated you can get swelling inflammation discomfort or pain anywhere in the body. Come join us I learn how to help yourself heal. BIG 6 RESET LINK:
Health and Fitness Extravaganza of Information empowering your to take back control of your life from pain. Simple and fundamental is the theme for this show. The depth with which you master the basics influences how well you understand everything you learn after that. Exploring tips, tricks, hacks and strategies from all walks of life and different disciplines sharing perspectives on healing. Pain is a request for change. A change in how you live your life. Come join us and we will go on the change journey together.