SHIFT: the breath, the tarot, & the power of transitions
The breath is more than just the inhale and the exhale. There's space in between.
The Tarot is more than a collection of cards - it is a map for our soul's development.
When we combine the Tarot with the breath, we find a powerful key for how to use the space of the breath to shift our dreams into reality.
In this episode you'll learn how.
Found: somatic skills to help you find the answers your mind is searching for
In this recording of the monthly session of The Embodiment Space, I share simple skills anyone can use to help create the calm and space necessary in the nervous system that allows for creative responses. These exercises create a deepening relationship with the body, which in turn creates a deepening relationship with the world around us.
The Embodiment Space meets on the 4th Friday of every month. Always free, and always open to everyone.
If you would like to learn more you can visit my website:
2021: The Year of The Hierophant
The Heirophant is the Mystic and the Teacher. The one who goes into the stillness to touch Truth, and then bring that Truth to others. What does that mean for us as we enter into 2021, the Year of the Hierophant?