Conversations on strength, health, fitness, life, coaching, and anything else that comes up.Dan John has spent his life with one foot in the world of lifting an...
EP 285 - Double vs Single KB, Training for Longevity, Easy Strength, Diet Tips & More
00:00 - Intro00:39 - Fixing a Shaky Squat Walkout04:12 - Working Out With Double vs Single Kettlebell09:41 - Sticking to One Program Without Program Hopping13:53 - Easy Strength for Martial Arts16:54 - Youth Athlete Training: Movement, Volume, Load20:44 - Adapting Your Training As You Age27:35 - Strength Training vs. Circuit Training30:07 - Fixing a Jerk That Feels Like a Push Press32:27 - Training for Longevity35:03 - Avoiding From Stress Eating40:29 - Dan John on His Book Intervention ► Personalized workouts based on your schedule, ability, and equipment options. ► If you're interested in getting coached by Dan personally, go to to apply for his private coaching group. ► Go to to get Dan's latest book.
EP 284 - Perfect Workout, ABF, Minimalist Training, Easy Strength with Fixed Weights
00:00 - Intro01:11 - Strength Programming with Only 2 Lifts12:48 - Dan John on the Wide-Leg Sweep in Discus19:02 - Scaling Up to Double 32s in ABF22:59 - Best Exercises With Carryover31:29 - Fixed Weights for Easy Strength38:22 - Best Bodybuilding Exercises for Broken Bodies45:35 - Best Exercises for Lower Body48:32 - Press Alternatives for Shoulder Injuries ► Personalized workouts based on your schedule, ability, and equipment options. ► If you're interested in getting coached by Dan personally, go to to apply for his private coaching group. ► Go to to get Dan's latest book.
EP 283 - KB Press, Building Muscle, KB Swing Progression, ABC Squats, 5x5 Training & Mor
00:00 - Intro00:45 - Adjusting Squats in the ABC Program04:36 - Jumping from 24 kg to 32 kg in Kettlebell Press11:03 - Progressing with KB Swings18:28 - Getting Past Sticking Points in 5x5 Training24:28 - Best Exercises for “Phasic Muscle Groups”33:08 - Combining ES with Original Strength and ABF38:12 - Armor Building for Martial Arts41:29 - Dan John on KB Pressing 3x A Week ► Personalized workouts based on your schedule, ability, and equipment options. ► If you're interested in getting coached by Dan personally, go to to apply for his private coaching group. ► Go to to get Dan's latest book.
EP 282 - Minimalist Training, ES4FL, High-Rep Training After 50, ABF, Overhead Squats
00:00 - Intro00:49 - ES4FL Without Fasting13:35 - Shoulder Mobility for Overhead Squats20:15 - Stretching in Minimalist Training24:58 - High-Rep Training After 5029:17 - Dan John on Band Training32:57 - Cheating in Armor Building Formula36:26 - Best Alternatives for KB Swing43:59 - 1-Inch vs. Olympic Barbell for Clean and Press48:19 - 2x5 vs. 3x8 for ES4FL ► Personalized workouts based on your schedule, ability, and equipment options. ► If you're interested in getting coached by Dan personally, go to to apply for his private coaching group. ► Go to to get Dan's latest book.
EP 281 - ABF, Home Gyms. Sustainable Training, KB Front Squats, Time-Based Workouts & More
00:00 - Intro00:46 - What to Do After Armor Building Formula04:21 - Buying A Cable Station For My Home Gym? Is It Worth It?08:04 - Dan John on Time-Based Workouts15:30 - Barbell vs Kettlebell Front Squats 20:08 - Dan John on Coffees25:10 - Training In A Sustainable Way ► Personalized workouts based on your schedule, ability, and equipment options. ► If you're interested in getting coached by Dan personally, go to to apply for his private coaching group. ► Go to to get Dan's latest book.
Conversations on strength, health, fitness, life, coaching, and anything else that comes up.Dan John has spent his life with one foot in the world of lifting and throwing, and the other foot in academia. An All-American discus thrower, Dan has also competed at the highest levels of Olympic lifting, Highland Games and the Weight Pentathlon, an event in which he holds the American record.Dan has written 14 books and has been coaching for over 40 years. He is a wealth of knowledge and is happy to share it freely.