The Grief Pod with Venetia Quick - Lets Talk About Grief featuring Susan Moylan
When her husband Sean died while on holiday in France, leaving her to bring up 4 children alone, Susan Moylan believed that that was the worst that could happen. However, some years later her son Stephen went off to Barcelona to celebrate his upcoming 30th birthday, he never came home. Stephen had drowned on holiday, leaving behind him two very young children. Having witnessed first hand, the devastation parental bereavement can have on a young child, Susan set up The Stephen Moylan Foundation. The foundation helps bereaved children get the support they need, without the financial burden.
In this episode of The Grief Pod, Susan tells her incredible story, how grief affects children differently at different stages in their lives, and how the foundation aims to help children all over Ireland..
The Grief Pod with Venetia Quick
Three years ago, Broadcaster, Producer and Writer, Maia Dunphy, lost her Mum, Helen after a short battle with pancreatic cancer. Maia has spoken openly about how overwhelming she has found it at times, navigating her loss.
In this second episode of The Grief Pod, Maia discusses, the random triggers, which unexpectedly come out of nowhere, how important it is to say, that actually things are hard, and how looking after her young son Tom has helped her cope.
The Grief Pod with Venetia Quick
National Grief Awareness Week takes place at the end of January. It's an initiative run by the Irish Hospice Foundation to raise awareness and understanding about the complexities of grief, and to offer support to those going through it and to those trying to support a loved one, friend or colleague with their loss.
In this first episode of The Grief Pod, Dr Amanda Roberts, Bereavement Development Officer, at The Irish Hospice Foundation talks about why we still find grief such a difficult subject to talk about, why everyone experiences grief in different ways, and how you can help someone you know that is struggling with their loss.
The Grief Pod with Venetia Quick Trail 2025
The Grief Pos is a weekly podcast looking at every aspect of grief. Whether you have lost a loved one or are about to lose someone you love. Or perhaps you are simply trying to support someone navagate their grief and don't know where to start or what to say. This is the podcast for you. Hosted by Venetia Quick with different stories of loss, love, hope and at times humour.