Giving you the very best supportive information on all things, Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, Motherhood and Parenting with special guests and leading experts.
Positive Inductions: Empowering Birth Stories
With Hayley and Danielle
Induction of labour often lands in the ‘No thank you’ pile in birth plans and preferences and, as a Midwife, I am keen to challenge this idea because the truth is that with the right support, information and guidance an induction can be a very positive tool to an empowering birth experience.
This week I am joined by two incredible new mummy’s so expect baby appearances and noises on today’s episode! Hayley and Danielle, both members of my exclusive YPJ- Your Pregnancy and Postpartum Journey Programme and Hayley is also actually our Community Manager but other than having just become first time mums these two incredible women have something else in common- they both had a positive induction of labour birth and are, like me, keen to dispel the myths and scare mongering that exists out there. So grab a cuppa and let’s get down to it.
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E198. Cycle Secrets: Demystifying Hormones and Tracking
E198. Cycle Secrets: Demystifying Hormones and Tracking
With Laura Federico and Morgan Miller
Millions of people rely on apps to track their cycles however these over generalised, computer generated methods do not necessarily allow us to be empowered about our health as women and to truly understand our bodies in the way we deserve to if fertility and wellbeing are in our goals.
This week I am joined by @thecyclebook Laura Federico, certified sex and relationship therapist and Morgan Miller, midwife, activist, and birth centre founder. Together Laura and Morgan have co-authored The Cycle Book. These are two women on a mission to equip other women with the tools to take ownership over their own well-being and to understand the ins and outs of their body.
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E197. Redefining Birth Preparation
E197. Redefining Birth Preparation
If your birth preparation looks abit like this…
“I am filling my feed with positive birth content”
“I am reading positive birth stories”
“I am learning how to breathe”
“I am hoping it will be ok”
“I am staying optimistic”
“I am just going to go with the flow”
“You can’t control your birth”
Then you need to listen to this weeks episode.
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E196. Unlocking Your Baby’s Visual Potential: Essential Tips for Parents
Unlocking Your Baby’s Visual Potential: Essential Tips for Parents
With Jen Fuller
When your baby is born, to begin with, let’s face it there’s a lot of feeding, changing, hopefully some sleeping albeit at the wrong time of day and there you go on repeat. But one of the things babies are working on developing is their vision and science behind visual development has evolved and allowed us parents to also open our eyes to the potential ways we can support our little people.
This week I am joined by Jen Fuller, founder of Etta Loves and mum of 2. Jen is passionate about supporting babies to achieve the best possible visual experience to contribute to their development, whilst supporting parents and carers with easy everyday moments.
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E195. From Fear to Confidence: How Polly Took Control of Her Birth
From Fear to Confidence: How Polly Took Control of Her Birth
With YPJ Member Polly and YPJ Midwife Chloe
Meet Polly, one of our wonderful YPJ (Your Pregnancy and Postnatal Journey) members. Polly’s insights to birth and long journey trying to conceive made her feel she had to have a planned c-section, a decision based entirely on fear and misinformation. Polly took the reins, advocated, empowered herself with bespoke and evidence based honest information and made informed choices about her positive birth experience. Thank you for sharing your story Polly, such a powerhouse mumma!
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Giving you the very best supportive information on all things, Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, Motherhood and Parenting with special guests and leading experts.
Welcome to The Midwife Pip Podcast. Hosted by Pip, a practicing Midwifery Sister with a wealth of experience in assisting and supporting mothers.
On a mission to empower women with evidence-based information we speak to special guests and leading experts to discuss all aspects of:
Motherhood and Parenting
Equipping you with the best advice and guidance for your journey and having a few giggles along the way.
With no further ado let's make a cuppa and get chatting...
Thank you for listening.
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