Conversations with the award-winning Dr Sophie Shotter covering the latest trends and developments in skincare, longevity, and aesthetics with a science-based a...
I've tried every treatment / tweakment going; this is what works - Alice Hart Davis
Injectables | Skincare | Gadgets | LED and laser | Regulations in aesthetics | Make-up | Surgery | Body treatments | Tricky areas | Ultimate tips | Brand recommendations | Sleep and supplements
My ultimate make-up recommendations and tips – Caroline Barnes
Heaps of product recommendations | BB and CC creams | dealing with eye issues | spots / concealers | foundation | mascara | building a make-up artist career | tips on blush | eyes and lips
What a beauty editor loves, uses, and rates - Rosie Green
Recovering from heartbreak | couples therapy | creams and lotions - treatments and tweakments | rosacea | anxiety | lessons learned
How I built a £30m brand with collagen as the hero - Maxine Laceby
Baring all aged 49 | What are your brand non-negotiables? | Figuring out digital marketing | ADHD | eye health | Running | Skincare, supplements - and the ultimate spa destination
How yoga nidra transformed my nervous system - Victoria Woodhall
Conversations with the award-winning Dr Sophie Shotter covering the latest trends and developments in skincare, longevity, and aesthetics with a science-based approach - and a focus on inner health and wellness.