Dr. Christopher M. Liebergen will bring you weekly top Health Podcast from his current fields of study starting with A.A.S Health & Exercise Sciences, B.A. Kine...
There are so many great forms of weight training for all health populations. We usually like to start with very light resistance with very begginer exercisers that have worked with weight lifting a little bit to those that have never had any expeirence. Pyramid training can happen in many forms for all health populations and is more highly reccomended for the athlete to intermediate exerciser. This is the process of starting with very light resistance on a particular exercise for roughly 10-12 reps and slowly increasing resistance for 8 reps to 6 reps and even 4 reps. This can also follow with a flush set of a moderate set of 10-12 reps. Most Muscel Groups Startwith Your Primary: Chest, Back Shoulders & Legs. Eventually Secondary, This a great way for those who have worked out over the years or are just a begginer with resistance and really want to advance in in strength and mucle building as ones body is adhering to the basics. Listen in on Pyramid Training Methods. More in depth resistance training routines coming very soon. Dr. Chris [email protected] www.ihealthsync.com
Healthy Microwavable Meals VS. Healthy Home Cooking
There is always a corner to cut when it comes to healthy eating, but now the Microwavable Meal Industry has made it so easy for us to think that this perfectly fine way of nutrition. Yes, high protein is always the case for a selling point, but so many manufactures are not telling the truth even if they are smaller portitions. Yes, they will use their fillers with a lot of high glycemics that are very low in cost, such as pasta and rice, potatoes. Always pay attentiion when buying these different brands of microwavables healthy meals and listen in more to my thoughts. Dr. Chris [email protected] www.ihealthsyncinc.com
Weight Training: Push-N-Pull Method
Dividing up muscle groups to make sure we don't have to take up hours in the gym for efficiency for our personal time and overall growth of muscle and advancement in health. The Push-n-Pull method is by far a long time routine used in the world of resistance training and can be used from the most advanced to even basic exerciser when it comes to wieght training. Yes, anyone can utilize this method and see great results and maximize their workouts by using a simple Push-Up to Bench Press and finishing with Lying Triceps Extension to Triceps Pulldowns for the Push Method. Pull Method is as easy as a Pull-Up or Lat Pulldown with a Biceps Curl with a Barbell or Dumbbell. Most importantly, everything can be done with just about every piece of exercise equipment, not just free weights, but with weight machines, reistance bands or how about ketllebells. Yes, Legs can be incorporated on any day. This is a great way to learn split routines and gives you more guidance on how to develop exercise programs for yourself that can be creative and safe for your advancement in exercise. Please check out the Chart for Great Examples of the Push-N-Pull Method Dr. Chris [email protected] www.ihealthsyncinc.com
Turkey Stroganoff: Kielbasa or Ground
Welcome to Turkey Stroganoff: Kielbasa or Ground This is an amazing recipe that I love all year long, especially for the colder months of the year, along with some cauliflour mash, feeling good and getting that comfort food fix. Turkey Kielebasa 1 Jennie-O Ring Kielbasa: Sliced 1/4in thin & Slices Cut into 1/2 Pieces 1 Cup of Sliced Button Mushrooms 1 Tblspn Butter 1 10.5oz 98% Fat Free Cream of Mushroom Soup 1/2 Cup Sour Cream 1/2 Tlbspn of Fennel 1/2 Tblspn Salt or Garlic Parsely Salt 1/2 Tblspn Black Pepper Add: 1 Tblspn butter to medium high heat w/ Turkey Kielbasa & Mushrooms and saut'ee for about 8 minutes mixing until Kielbasa is a nice & golden brown. Add, 10.5oz Cream of Mushroom Soup & 1/2 Cup of Sour Cream & mix thourghly. Mix 1 Tblspn of Fennel with 1/2 Tblspn of Salt or Garlilc Parsely Salt & 1/2 Tblspn of Black Pepper Let Simmer for 12-15 Minutes & Mix Thourghly & Enjoy Ground Turkey 2lbs Ground Turkey 1 22.5oz Can Cream of Mushroom Soup 1 Cup Sour Cream 1-2 Cups of Sliced Button Mushrooms 1 Tblspn Fennel Ground 2lbs of Turkey until cooked almost all the way through & drain and cook rest all the way. Add in Mushrooms & mix thourghly for about 2 minutes and add in 22.5oz can of Cream of Mushroom Soup with 1 Cup of Sour Cream & mix thourghly. Add 1 Tblspn of Fennel & mix thourghly. Add 1/2 Tblspn Salt or Garlic Parsely Salt with 1/2 Tblspn of Black Pepper. Mix throughly & Simmer for 12-15 minutes & Enjoy Serve on a Bed of Cauliflour Mash & You're Good to Go! Dr, Chris [email protected] www.ihealthsyncinc.com
Spot Reducing: Not Real
Spot Reducing has been an old tale in the world of health that exercises that focus specific area of the body will make it look better or appealing? Nope, not true. It's all about working with full body exercises throughout the whole body first to really reduce that body fat well below needed and then spot producing might be a key thing during exercise. Abdominal exercises completed over and over again does not mean your are ever getting six pack abs. It takes time and the proper exercise prescription. Key thing: Change Up Your Exercise Programs Every 6-8 Weeks and See Results, Especially with Intergrated Health Sync Inc. Much Love, Dr. Chris [email protected] www.ihealthsyncinc.com
Dr. Christopher M. Liebergen will bring you weekly top Health Podcast from his current fields of study starting with A.A.S Health & Exercise Sciences, B.A. Kinesiology, M.S. in Exercise Sciences: Performance Enhancement & Injury Prevention and Doctoral Studies in Public Health: Epidemiology. Also, certified by highly recognized health organizations and universities, such as American Council on Exercise: Certified Personal Trainer, National Academy of Sports Medicine: Performance Enhancement Specialist, National Association of Speed & Explosion, Silver Sneakers Certified, New Leaf Metabolic Certified, John Hopkins University: Covid 19 Contact Tracer, John Hopkins University Epidemiological Foundations in Public Health American Heart CPR/AED Certified.
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