I specialise in Mindfulness in the Workplace, offering specialised Attention Training & Emotional Resilience programmes for the workplace as well as offering MB...
Mindfulness Series - Episode 4 - Eating Meditation
Mindfulness Series - Episode 4 - Eating Meditation by Fiona O'Donnell
Mindfulness Series - Episode 13 - Stress - Turning Towards
In this series on mindfulness, we have been practicing using the anchors of the breath, body and senses to come back to over and over again. When we have developed a little concentration and awareness to do this, we can start Turning Towards what is here a little more - noticing how are we feeling? How is the body feeling?
Dr Rick Hanson, who I have trained with, has done great work in Positive Neuroplasticity. Using short 10-20 second practices during our day, we can actually have an impact on the neuroplasticity of the brain. This Taking in the Good practice starts with noticing a pleasant experience in this moment and allowing the experience, feelings in the body with this to be enriched and absorbed into our implicit memory - this naturally balances out our inherent negativity bias! I love this short practice - do you have 20 seconds 3 times a day to try this - it really works!!
Mindfulness Series - Episode 11 - Thoughts
Starting to become aware that we are more than our thoughts, sometimes thoughts are very helpful, but sometimes when we notice the inner critic is strong these thoughts are not so helpful - they can even perpetuate a low mood! Developing the ability to place our attention on the breath, body, sounds or senses can be so helpful when we notice our attention is hi-jacked by familiar unhelpful thinking patterns
Mindfulness Series - Episode 9 - The Breath
Mindfulness Series - Episode 9 - The Breath by Fiona O'Donnell
I specialise in Mindfulness in the Workplace, offering specialised Attention Training & Emotional Resilience programmes for the workplace as well as offering MBCT mindfulness courses to people with low mood, anxiety, pain and sleep problems.